
What Your Hickey Says About You

Hickeys are a timeless staple that lets the world around you know that you’re getting some. Here’s a guide that shows exactly what your hickey says about you!
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Hookup Probably Just Gonna Go, Has an Early Start Tomorrow Morning

After an hour of haphazard lovemaking, it was reported that Nick Nguyen was probably gonna head out after third-year Emily Callahan invited him over for a last-minute romp in the hay.
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Dude, Where’s My Bird?

Earlier this morning, IVPD was informed of a robbery that occurred on the 67 block of Sabado Tarde Road. According to third-year pre-law student Garrett Jackson, he parked his Bird in his driveway lat...
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5 On-Campus Programs Coming To UCSB This Year

You’ve probably heard of the new bike renting program available to students, but are you aware of these great new opportunities?
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My Boy Adam and I Used an Old Time Machine We Found in My Boy Brad’s Garage to Discover What Dumb Shit Freshman Are Gonna Do This Fall

My boy Adam and I used the time machine my boy Brad has been keeping in his garage to find out about all the dumbfuck things the freshman are gonna be up to this fall!
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Cool New Abroad Program Just Four Month Photoshoot at Barcelona Bunkers

Facing an overwhelming demand, the UCSB Education Abroad Program (EAP) announced the implementation of a new four-month program devoted to allowing its participants to simply take photos at the Barcel...
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Study Abroad Student Only Hooks Up With Other Americans

Much to her surprise and disappointment, third-year study abroad student Kelly Parker has only had sexual encounters with fellow Americans while studying abroad for the semester in Italy.
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FT Couple Tries Long Distance Relationship

While the distance between North and South towers may feel like an eternity, the couple has found a way to make it work.
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Freshman Guides: Biking on Campus

Here's some survival hacks for you newbies straight from an experienced cyclist of the streets of Isla Vista and campus!
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“Shut up Loser,” Says Yang to Freshman Who Didn’t Say Anything

In response to the slough of new first-years migrating to campus, Chancellor Henry T. Yang has reportedly adopted a noticeably more “top bitch” persona, in what experts are calling an effort to ...
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BREAKING: Sophomores Are Cooler Than You

Breaking: incoming second-year Betty Razi is finally ready to demonstrate her newfound sense of maturity to the wittle baby freshmen.
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How to Party in Isla Vista

As a seasoned I.V. resident and partygoer, allow me to impart some of my wisdom upon you...
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5 Girls You Will Meet at UCSB Based on Bathroom Graffiti

Based on real UCSB bathroom graffiti, here are the 5 UCSB girls you will meet based on these quotes somebody probably wrote while they were pooping!
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Freshman Wonders if Beach is More Than Just Background for Hot Bikini Pics – Decides No.

It was recently reported that freshman and licensed blonde person Nikki Ehrlich had half a revelation over the weekend during an excursion to Sands with friend and beta brunette Claire Graisman.
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Local Catcaller To Take Leave of Absence After Recently Learning None of the Women He Harasses Actually Want His Dick

In what has so far been a trying week, local catcaller Steven Johnson released a statement on Monday declaring that he would be taking a personal leave after word broke that none of the women he haras...
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