
Thank you for your interest in advertising with the Daily Nexus. As you’ll see, it pays to reach out to UCSB students, and no matter your budget, our student sales representatives can put together an effective advertising strategy for you.

Every day, the Daily Nexus reaches UCSB’s 22,218 students — plus more than 6,000 full-time faculty and staff. Our competitive advertising rates make the Nexus your best value to reach the Central Coast’s most desirable consumer audience.

Did you know that a 2008 survey of Nexus readers shows that 60 percent of undergraduates have personal expense incomes of at least $300 a month — and UCSB students spend their disposable funds in ways that will benefit your business:

  • 94% go out to a restaurant at least once a month, and two-thirds spend at least $300 a year dining out.
  • 85% plan to buy a computer, digital camera, stereo system, iPod, MP3 player, or other electronic item in the next 12 months.
  • 79% spend money on spas, beauty treatments or other personal care each month.
  • 75% buy clothes at least once a month.
  • 63% spend money in bars or night clubs in a typical month.

No artwork? No problem. Our designers are happy to work with you to create custom print and online advertisements. For all advertising inquiries, call (805) 893-3828.

Please see our “Rates and Services” and “Classified Ads” pages for more information, or click here to download a printable PDF of our Rate Card.


$13.65 per column inch — Available to advertisers
with a business located in Santa Barbara County.

$14.45 per column inch —
Available to all national
(non-local) advertisers.
$24.70 per column inch — Available to all agency

$12.60 per column inch — Available to UCSB
departments, clubs, organizations and individuals.

$12.70 per column inch.

Spot Color — $110 per color
Full-Process Color — $440