Society & Psychology

Simply Stated: Are electronic forms of note-taking really superior?

After a day spent cramming material for a class you know you went to but cannot seem to recall anything from, you may be left wondering: are electronic forms of note-taking really the most effective w...
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Simply Stated: Can AI predict politics? Investigating the mathematics of election forecasting

Despite the overwhelming surplus of election predictions, many voters remain skeptical about whether it’s even possible to interpret the current political landscape through a scientific perspective....
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UCSB hosts collegiate California Workshop on Evolutionary Social Science

UC Santa Barbara hosted the annual California Workshop on Evolutionary Social Science for the first time since 2018 from May 3-5. 
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UCSB study finds perceived discrimination against bisexual people linked to relative social status

Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have found that, while often experiencing more discrimination than other sexual orientation minority groups, people who identify as bisexual are rarely considered to ha...
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Love advice from UCSB Human Sexuality professors

UC Santa Barbara sociology professors Janice Baldwin and John Baldwin’s love story began in an unexpected twist of fate — a blind date, or as they fondly recall it, a "fixed-up blind date."
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Finding Focus: UCSB researchers develop customizable app to strengthen attention skills and minimize mind wandering

In an age where our attention is considered a new currency, a constant barrage of distractions make focusing on what’s important to us an endless challenge. Finding Focus, a new mobile app developed...
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Simply Stated: Why do holiday lights make us happy?

A walk around Isla Vista during the month of December reveals the community glowing under holiday lights and decorations. From the shining Christmas tree on Embarcadero del Norte and Pardall Road to t...
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Simply Stated: Do we really have free will?

When you decided to read the Science & Tech section of the Daily Nexus today, was it really a choice? Or is this action, and every action you have ever taken, predetermined? Hard determinists woul...
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Simply Stated: Curious about curiosity? Why do we seek answers?

Curiosity, the trait concerning an individual’s propensity to seek new information, is highly variable. How does it shape the lifelong journey of learning? Is it university students' best learning a...
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I feel, therefore I am: Leading neuroscientist António Damásio speaks on human consciousness

“I think, therefore I am.” Many of us are familiar with the Cartesian notion of the thinking nature of consciousness. René Descartes, it turns out, was wrong. That's according to António Damás...
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Can we slow our biological clocks? Cynthia Kenyon lectures on the molecular components of aging at Corwin Pavilion

Cynthia Kenyon, vice president of aging research at Calico Life Sciences and director of University of California, San Francisco’s Larry L. Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging,  presented her ...
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We get by with a little help from our weak social ties: A UCSB PhD student’s insight on recent social portfolio study from Harvard researchers

For UC Santa Barbara students struggling to make and maintain meaningful connections, a recent study examining the link between social networks and psychological well-being may provide some much-neede...
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Black History Month: Contributions to Science

Timeline:  1864:  Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler becomes the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the United States. She later writes one of the earliest medical books published by an African Ame...
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Psychological & brain sciences department assesses predictors of blame for gay men in homicide cases

Elizabeth Quinn-Jensen, a graduate student and researcher in UC Santa Barbara’s Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, and colleagues recently published a paper exploring how strong feelings...
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When the Data Lies: The Consequences of Racial Bias In Research and Algorithms

When data itself is skewed, how do the findings themselves — or even policies and outcomes — get affected by such biases? 
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