Management Company Wolfe & Associates Suffers Data Breach
Wolfe & Associates was first notified about the data breach by the Santa Barbara Police Department on March 5.
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Wolfe & Associates was first notified about the data breach by the Santa Barbara Police Department on March 5.
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The shift in housing is motivated by the different schedules of the two schools.
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The new emphasis fills a gap in the major, so geography students interested in oceanography now can focus on the physical aspects of marine science.
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The new website allows students to message groups and individuals directly through a built-in chat function.
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The notorious UCSB mountain lion has reportedly had a successful first week at school. After moving into his dorm in FT, his RA, B. Trayal, expressed gratitude for how smooth Mountain Lion made...
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The elevator should take about six to nine months to fix, according to Interim Food Bank Coordinator Philip Pinedo.
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The center will have a soft opening in October with a grand opening in either January or February 2020.
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Summer school means that I take a lot of shits on campus, because I don’t have time to go home between classes, work and my internship. Therefore, I’ve compiled a list of the best and the worst re...
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As the end of the year approaches, graduating seniors in romantic relationships are faced with a difficult decision: marry their college sweetheart or break up with them. Seeing that breaking up is mu...
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Well folks, you heard it here first. Our beloved Chancellor, Henry T. Yang, will be headlining this year’s Extravaganza festival, according to A.S. Program Board, who announced the lineup yesterday....
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In an email released yesterday, Chancellor Yang wrote the student body to enforce the use of footwear during Spring Insight.
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Isla Vista is notorious for being devoid of parking spaces; there’s no greater rage than when you think you’ve found a parking spot, but it turns out to be the entrance to someone’s driveway. Th...
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In a completely unsurprising turn of events, UCSB has decided to ban the use of bicycles on campus bike paths to allow room for Bird scooters, now the preferred method of transportation for UCSB stude...
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Isla Vista, CA - According to several witnesses, the residents of the 67 block of DP are now split into two halves: those who are staunch Bird advocates and those who prefer Limes. A turf war has been...
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This past Wednesday, fourth-year global studies major Roger Rodgers was seen sobbing on the fourth floor of the library. When approached by a concerned fellow student, Roger just kept crying and was p...
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