Red All Over

So apparently student government wants to start a rival news publication and put it on bulletin boards around campus or just have it online. You know, like sans the readers and a recordable ...
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Flower-Power Suits

If you didn't attend UCSB Counseling & Career Services' Third Annual Diversity Career Fair yesterday, you missed out on free magnetic poetry, Frisbees, key chains, mugs and the occasional business car...
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When I Grow Up

Wanted: Job post-graduation that involves travel, romance and massive piles of cash. Salary of $100,000 or more per year.
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Our Little Film Festival

Wow! Helen Mirren? Will Smith? Borat? What an amazing week and a half we Santa Barbarians have ahead of us.
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McCaw Got Served

Well, well. It seems UCSB has given a big "fuck you" to billionaire - and thus sexy potential donor - Wendy McCaw.
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Decent Proposal

The Nexus got an anonymous phone call from a dedicated reader of the paper last night, telling us to go fuck ourselves. Oh thanks, sweetie. We were wondering how to release all the frustration we've b...
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Oh the Weatherhumanity

The Weatherhuman will not be attending the town hall meeting about the Nexus today at 4 p.m. in the MCC because it doesn't want to talk about feelings or how the A.S.-Nexus relationship is doing. I've...
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My artistic side

This one goes out to all you Nexites currently under fire and under mounds of letters to the editor. And this one goes out to the creater of that really cool emoticon that looks like a man looking ove...
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Usefull bits

It's been several weeks since Christmas but the 'human still can't get over the injustice done to Joseph, Jesus' adopted father. I mean, he got cockled by a fuckin' ghost.
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The Great Divide Between X and Y

Who can discuss women's issues without covering weight? Women endlessly search for the easy solution to that last (or first) 15 pounds and spend about 2/3 of the day wondering how looking like a pig w...
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More Womyn

Third part in a series focusing on women’s issues: The wage gap. Women supposedly make 72 cents per dollar that a man makes. The problem with this statistic, supposedly, is that it doesn’t...
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Ptsh, Womyn Part II

Today's lecture on women's issues, brought to you via the Weathermate's nagging, concerns equal slang for equal work
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Ptsh, Womyn

The Weathermate and I had a lively debate last night. The 'mate contended that men uncomfortable discussing menstruation and saying words such as "tampon" do great disservice to women;
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Green With Envy

I hate being cock blocked.
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Sandbox Blues

The fact that the words "Leg Council" are in this sentence probably means you've already lost interest. If you're still reading, congratulations, you've finished the crossword puzzle and Sodoku and ha...
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