The ‘Human Goes to… Subway

Have you ever had a food craving that no meal on the planet could fulfill?
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This Boner’s Down for the Count

So "Boner" from "Growing Pains" (I mean, Andrew Koenig) died.
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Charlie Brown, Sir

Rainy days always seem to bring out the Charlie Brown Syndrome in professors.
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The Other Palin

So does anybody else find it amusing that Bristol Palin is going to guest star on a show about teenage mothers?
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Thank You for Flying

So breaking news, guys. And by breaking I mean shattering.
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Drama-Charged People

Drama, drama, drama.
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Alanis On the Matter

So, bad timing. Planning everything out with your friends or whoever, only to find out that the days you made your great plans for also happen to be the only times your best friend can visit or that y...
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I Deny Thee Thrice, Chocolate

You know, the Weatherhuman isn't particularly religious, but fuck if I don't wish I was.
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Nap Time

Napping is godly.
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Love Stinks

So did everyone fall in love this weekend?
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Staple Gun Politics

So the Weatherhuman's new favorite thing is the staple gun. It's just so... nifty! It posts stuff up nice and easy without you having to bruise up your fingers pushing dumb tacks into the wall. Instea...
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Weighing In

OK, OK, so I've been getting complaints about not weighing in on this stupid A.S. debacle.
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The ‘Human Does the Cha Cha Cha

So, the Weatherhuman was thinking today (dangerous, I know), and what's up with the combination letters "ch"?
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Obvious Stupidity Clouds UCSB

There's a little thing in this world that I like to call "The Oh-Duh Factor." Now, not many people give this phenomenon the real attention it deserves, but I find that in times of distress and uncerta...
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Weatherhuman: Superhero

You know how celebrity stalkers are in love with imaginary people?
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