
The ‘Human Does the Cha Cha Cha

So, the Weatherhuman was thinking today (dangerous, I know), and what's up with the combination letters "ch"?
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Obvious Stupidity Clouds UCSB

There's a little thing in this world that I like to call "The Oh-Duh Factor." Now, not many people give this phenomenon the real attention it deserves, but I find that in times of distress and uncerta...
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Weatherhuman: Superhero

You know how celebrity stalkers are in love with imaginary people?
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Chatty Cathy

Now, the Weatherhuman hasn't been in a chat room for awhile, but does anyone remember a/s/l?
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Suck on This

So I just realized, why, when you're trying to insult someone, do you call them a "cock-sucker"?
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An Attempt at a Shout Out

With limited space today, the Weatherhuman would like to make a quick shout-out to a fan. C.A., whose full name I will not share for reasons of anonymity that I myself understand, you’re ridicul...
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Long Week Bullshit Nonsense

Oh, Tuesdays. Is it that time already? Are we really only barely past Monday slump and not even to the Wednesday hump?
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Who Am I?

You know, no one tells you how dangerous being the Weatherhuman can be.
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Ah, Jealousy

So... jealousy sucks. And blows. But not in any of the good ways.
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Looking Back on Wednesday

So, we made it over the hump.
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All The Kids Are Saying It

You know what overused saying cracks me up? “Over my dead body.” I mean, your corpse, really? You’re willing to die to protect that last slice of pizza back there? I mean, I’m ...
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Limericks Rain Down on UCSB

For those of you new to the Weatherbox, here's a little autobiography I cooked up for you guys:
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Rain, Rain Go Away

So, we've got some sun now, huh?
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McCains Don’t Hate

So Cindy McCain loves gay people.
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Time to Eat?

The will of man to eat what he wants is astounding.
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