Literature in Review: Three New Novels for Fall
Artsweek talked to three debut authors with books so addicting, you’ll get back into reading for pleasure in no time.
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Artsweek talked to three debut authors with books so addicting, you’ll get back into reading for pleasure in no time.
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“We’re so excited about the opportunity of having a baker’s dozen students in one dorm,” the Director of Student Friendship Susan Poleman told Nexustentialism.
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Through her processing of a universal hardship, “star-crossed” cements Musgraves as one of the smartest and emotive writers of our time.
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The show is a slice of life during a week at a beach resort in Hawaii, where a gaggle of rich guests arrive and immediately cause trouble.
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Those tired by constantly having to search up their favorite hated Instagram accounts to see if they’ve posted any more ridiculous content can worry no more: Instagram will finally let you follow th...
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“333” ultimately sees Tinashe expanding her reach, experimenting even more with her sound.
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After a bland tumble like “Love + Fear” this album presents complexity, strong hooks and some of MARINA’s best songs.
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“Daddy’s Home” adopts a completely new persona by traveling back in time to create new stories.
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I do believe you! But when you’re just making up places that I’ve never heard before, it’s a little suspicious.
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If there’s anyone who deserves a triumphant comeback album story arc, it’s Demi Lovato.
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You may not have been appreciative of the many girl boss go-getters during the last Women’s History Month, but thankfully, there are many femme fatales out there who are deserving of praise! Here ar...
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Breakthrough laptop-free hacks include: Read a book, or pretend to be Amish.
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Swift’s new album, “evermore,” both lyrically and sonically picks up where “folklore” left off.
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Minogue has reinvented herself once again with “DISCO,” bringing retro sounds to the future.
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With the dust from the election finally beginning to settle, it’s important to practice self-care techniques to ease your mind from this heinous experience. However, remembering another bizarre or u...
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