
Library Website Gets First Facelift in 5 Years

The UCSB Library website got a major remodel at the beginning of Winter Quarter, updating its outdated homepage with an accessible new look.
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Uncertainty for Undocumented as Inauguration Looms

With eight days until inauguration, undocumented students throughout the UC face an uncertain future.
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Children’s Center Benefits From New Funds

Surrounded by foam letters, cubbies and a model igloo, kids at the Children’s Center in Goleta painted their names with colored ice cubes on Monday morning.
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UC Employees Protest Low Wages

The UC Teamsters Union demanded higher wages in protests on Tuesday.
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ESTEEM Program to Guide Engineering Students

UC Santa Barbara’s College of Engineering has introduced a new program to support engineering students, funded by a $4.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation.
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Walkout To Defy Possible UC Tuition Hikes

Student activists plan to simultaneously leave their classes Monday in protest of a proposed tuition increase for all University of California students.
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Faculty Join Free Speech Dialogue

UCSB professors, advisors and faculty held a discussion Wednesday in response to the A.S Senate’s approval of $5,000 in funding for College Republicans’ event.
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A Peek Through Professors’ Office Doors

Five UCSB professors discuss their work spaces and the meanings behind the items inside; from Darth Vader to a red, wooden phallus, the eclectic stylings reflect the unique professors that display the...
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Vista Point: The Goings On in Isla Vista This Week

From Isla Vista town hall to a discussion the morning after the General Election, Vista Point has the rundown on this week's events.
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A.S. Legal Code Revised to Include Non-Binary Pronouns

The new bill is the second piece of legislation to promote inclusivity at UCSB, the other being the use of students’ preferred names on ACCESS cards.
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UC Santa Barber: First-Year Student Runs Authentic Salon Out of Anacapa

First-year political science major Gilbert Nazari treats an average of four customers to a near-authentic barber shop experience every day in Anacapa.
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Bird Calls Persist While Residents Call for Reprieve

Residents of the neighboring San Miguel and San Nicolas dorms have received reports from resident assistants about students yelling “cacaw” at all hours of the day and night.
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A.S. Finance Committee To Fund $5,000 for College Republicans Event Featuring Ben Shapiro

UCSB College Republicans received $5,000 from the A.S. Finance and Business Committee for an upcoming event featuring Ben Shapiro, a political commentator who will present a criticism of the Black Liv...
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Tossed Tortillas Land in Campus Compost Bin

It is UC Santa Barbara tradition for students to fling tortillas onto the field after a goal during home soccer games, a custom that will undoubtedly continue into Saturday’s match against rival Cal...
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UCSB Hackers Advance in Worldwide Competition

A group of hackers from UC Santa Barbara is a top 10 team to advance in a cyber security contest that began with 18,000 undergraduate students from around the world.
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