Slake Your Thirst With Pumpkin Ale
Happy Halloween! I hope you all have recovered from the weekend and are ready to start partying again.
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Happy Halloween! I hope you all have recovered from the weekend and are ready to start partying again.
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Today I would like to tell you about the best new drinking game on the rise. It combines competitive physical ability with heavy drinking and fun. The game: Snappa.
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For almost a year now I've been wondering: When are we going to celebrate Halloween 2007? Last year it was on a Tuesday, so the logical thing to do was party the previous Thursday through Halloween Tu...
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In the past week, I've been seeing a lot of freshmen and contemplating why they stand out so much.
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Welcome to UCSB - I hope you are ready to fuckin' party! You probably have a lot of worries right now - moving away from home, buying books, finding your classes, etc.
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Summer - the sun is shining and everyone just seems happier.
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After spending Memorial Day weekend jumping off of houseboats in Lake Mead, doing naked keg stands and partying in Las Vegas, I thought I would have something funny to write about.
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Great parties tend to adhere to a complex formula incorporating the proper balance, location and amount of certain crucial party aspects.
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Today marks a glorious day in I.V. tradition.
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Besides interesting bums, drunken sluts and weekday drinking, there is something else truly special about Isla Vista - themed parties!
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There have been plenty of parties with costumes based on a letter, but this is not the type of party I'm talking about.
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Today is a great holiday that many Isla Vistans have been waiting for: 4/20.
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"Hi, I'm Raymond. I'm 21 and I won't hear 'next' because everybody loves Raymond... right?" As lame as this line sounds, I was forced to say it on national television.
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Spring Break is over and classes have started, but don't fret because this quarter is going to be a great one.
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