Outside Opinions

Base Article Breaks Forbidden Bounds

I understand that college is an institution where our minds need to be open, but the sex column published last week does not fit that category and adds no moral value to the university’s public disc...
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Hump Vulgarity Degrades Sexuality

Because of big cultural shifts in sexual attitudes, I’m guessing you don’t get many responses to your graphic sex column on Wednesdays. But cultural trends don’t necessarily correspond with care...
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Nexus Reader Calls for Bolder Journalism and Broader Opinions

The Daily Nexus’ weekly “Ask an Atheist” column is, in my opinion, a straightforward attack on primarily the Christian faith, but no religion is safe from this article.
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Students March for Affordable Education

Your Jan. 12 article titled “Brown Cuts Funds for UC System” truly hit home for me. These proposed cuts in the budget threaten my, as well as many others’, continuing education here at UCSB.
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Israeli Op-ed Fails to Reference Facts

You said in your article (“American and Israeli Alliance Safeguards Democracy,” Daily Nexus, Nov. 1) that “radical” Islamic entities “violate human rights on a regular basis.” What about ...
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Horny Gaucho Gets Ready to Rail

So now that I’m finally done with my first round of midterms, I’m going to do what any sensible person would do after getting up way too early, staying up far too late and being under an inordinat...
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Big Brother Raises Hiring Standards

“What is in a name?” Juliet famously asked Romeo. “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
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Measure S Enforces Dehumanizing Status Quo

Well I never thought I’d see the day when I agreed with the “Right Said” opinion piece instead of the “Left Said,” but that day has finally come in the form of Measure S.
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Prudent Freshman Avoids On-Campus Eye Contact

As a new freshman I have learned many things in my first month of college.
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Nexus’ Conservative Bias Botches Election Article

Wednesday’s front-page article, “SB Clubs Render Election Info,” was unquestionably biased and quite simply a poor piece of journalism.
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Isla Vista: Party Capital of the World

There is something special about those first few weeks of school, when 20,000 of our nation’s finest get compressed into this magical square mile we call home.
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The Perks of Being a Freshman

I feel like I have the same conversation with everyone over a hundred times a day.  “Hi, I’m Zac. I live in Santa Catalina (let’s call it what it is… FT), in the North Tower, on the ground fl...
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IVRPD Candiates Seek Student Votes

Rock the vote! I’m sure you’re aware of the importance of that catchy, albeit silly phrase. Now, more than ever, your votes are needed locally.
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Uninformed Voting Imperils Civic Virtue

Last week professor Robert Williams wrote an editorial stressing the importance of students casting their ballots in this upcoming November election.
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Measure S Raises Taxes, Creates Slush Fund

So just what is Measure S for? It is for $15 million for the first four years to support the construction of the new jail and to support the reconstruction of the old jail.
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