I feel like I have the same conversation with everyone over a hundred times a day. “Hi, I’m Zac. I live in Santa Catalina (let’s call it what it is… FT), in the North Tower, on the ground floor. I’m a biology major and I’m from Newport Beach… what about you?” Unfortunately, as old as that back-and-forth may get, it really is a vital conversation starter for us freshmen. In that 30-second conversation we find out whether we have anything in common with these people, and from there we find people to hang out with.
[media-credit id=20201 align=”alignleft” width=”250″][/media-credit]As a freshman, I feel as if I can speak for many of us in that we try as hard as we can to not look like freshmen. For instance, the other day I was in the library trying to finish some chemistry summer work. After I finished up, I decided I would walk around and figure out where all my classes were. I then went up to the front desk and looked the attendant in the eye and asked, “Can I have a map of the campus?” Never have I felt so much like a noob in my entire life. But then I remember that we are, in fact, freshmen, which means that we have four more years of this wonderful place.
I have a thing or two to say to all you upperclassmen that run by the dorms and scream, “F@*$ FRESHMAN!!!” It’s OK, if I were an upperclassman, I would want to be a freshman too. We know you’re jealous. You can act as if you’re not, but it is well known that many people wish they could be a freshman in college again. This is the first time (for most of us) we are completely on our own. This first year is a year we don’t have anyone to tell us what we can and cannot do. Everything — for purpose of this article — is paid for, and we can’t really get in too much trouble. Also, we are a staple of what UCSB is; we are what make this school so unique. So next time when you run by, maybe think about how much you honestly miss being a freshman, and then yell whatever barbaric obscenities you must.
Now everyone’s going to yell “FUCK ZACHARY CABIN”
this article sux
According to my research the previous two posters were breast fed until they were 14.
I am, after all, “the science guy”.
Your sister was offering…who am I to say no?
Alfred, you’re going to need to reevaluate your choice of spelling if you so wish to give snarky jabs. At least try to use the correct orthography of the word “sucks” in an attempt to be clever. Classic case of a gentleman with “Freshman envy.”