Professor Institutes ‘Trial by Combat’ Test Format

Sources confirmed yesterday that an upper division physics professor, who has asked to remain anonymous, has hired a handful of retired WWE wrestlers to challenge students in cage-match-style combat.
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Film Studies TA Offers Extra Office Hours to Discuss New Zelda Game

The start of the new Spring Quarter brought about the usual chaos of students changing sections, crashing classes and purchasing textbooks. In an effort to combat this recurring calamity, Film Studies...
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Top 7 Household Items to Use as Back-Up Condoms

You reach for your nightstand, open the drawer and BAM: no rubbers.
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Girl Wearing Makeup to 8 a.m. Final is Better Than You

“I thought there was this kinda unspoken agreement that we would all look like trash for the week as a community-strengthening thing”.
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What Your St. Paddy’s Day Outfit Says About You

It has become common practice to dress up for the holiday with varying degrees of effort. Here’s a few examples of what your St. Paddy’s Day outfit says about you:
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