Drugstore Cowboy: One Final Ride Into the Sunset

Here it is: sitting with a cup of $6 whiskey (Canadian Springs from Rite Aid, $6 for a 750), writing the old fare-thee-well column. In my mind, it starts something like this: It was the best of times,...
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Drugstore Cowboy: Forget Real Crimes, Let’s Get Stoners

As of Tuesday, April 19, 2005, the federal government has spent well over $6 billion on the great "War on Drugs" for this year. I suppose it's needless to remind you that this year has barely kicked o...
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Drugstore Cowboy: It’s a Mad, Mad World Indeed

So much trouble in the world. It was true in 1979 when Bob Marley first said it. It's true now. Sometime on Nov. 2, 2004, watching the disaster I feared worst come to life on a big blue and red map of...
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Drugstore Cowboy: Informative, Political, Porno?

I love the smell of democracy in the morning. Smells like ... victory. Or maybe that's just the lagoon. Election season is upon us in full force with the presidential and vice presidential debates.
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Drugstore Cowboy: Save That FAFSA Check

Well, well, Mr. Po-lice Man: You think you've got us by the curlies here with your $3,076 beer-distribution tickets. There's still hope, all ye forlorn and weary criminals on the business end of the I...
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The Great I.V. Bike Race

The day of the Isla Vista Bike Races has arrived. It was the night before that my roommate told me about it. After refusing to join his team, I decided to cover it for the Nexus. And cover it right.
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Drugstore Cowboy: Nary an Ashtray or Parking Spot in Sight

It's been a nice hiatus. Unfortunately, since I've taken a long break from nothing, all things I.V. and UCSB went to hell. Some jackass in the administration must've finally realized the foolishness o...
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The Great I.V. Bike Race

The day of the Isla Vista Bike Races has arrived. It was the night before that my roommate told me about it. After refusing to join his team, I decided to cover it for the Nexus. And cover it right.
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Modest Mouse | Good News for People Who Love Bad News | Epic

Modest Mouse is out for some serious money. Their latest release, Good News for People Who Love Bad News, is rife with radio-friendly tunes.
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Drugstore Cowboy: Getting Amphetamines Is as Easy as A-D-D

I'm not sure when it was that I first saw the commercial for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. That probably means that I do lack attention to detail, due to distractibility - very frequently.
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Self-Medicating Hot Line

College kinda hurts. We at the Hot Line know this pain. We share it. And like many of you, we often take it upon ourselves to numb the pain and drive off the horrors of this cut-throat university lif...
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Drugstore Cowboy: Two Thousand and Four?!

Here we are. The beginning of the Year of Our Lord 2004 and the tail-end of the Chinese Year of the Ram, which ends on Jan 21.
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Drugstore Cowboy: Your Mind on My Safety, Hand in My Underwear

"Sir, you've been selected by the airline," the man at the security gate of the Santa Barbara Airport says to me, quickly scratching an "X" in red marker on my ticket. Did I win something? Maybe I'm g...
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Drugstore Cowboy: Don’t Wanna Grow Up

Tuesday, the assistant county editor and I drove up to Neverland after hearing that law enforcement officials were combing Jackson's ranch. I brought along a friend's copy of Jackson's 1979 album "Off...
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Drugstore Cowboy: Bringing Debauchery out of the Dark

Halloween, Isla Vista, Del Playa Drive: Two girls stand on the hood of a car, parked on the ocean side of the street, with their dates. One of the police-sponsored floodlights shines down on them.
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