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It’s Coming

Coming to remind your hard-working, 20 page essay-writing, blue book and scantron buying booty that you've done this to yourself.
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It Affects Me: Part 7: Eva Takes Back a Piece of Her Life

Because of what happened to Eva, I became more involved in sexual assault issues, increasing my awareness and my knowledge. This growth allowed me to discover strength about myself that I never knew e...
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Nothing Rolls Off My Tongue Like ‘Penis’

"Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?" I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that for a good six years I've been known to all my friends and some of my enemies as the "Penis Girl."
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Living Without Vowels: I.V., Use Your Indoor Voice

While the ordinance can put a damper on my celebration plans, it actually is a decent way of regulating the problems caused by parties gone bad.
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The Rise of the Black Halter Tops

I am concerned about the rise of fascism in Isla Vista. Squads of young women parade in their Mussolini-esque uniforms of black hotpants and stormtrooper hooker boots. While I do believe that everyone...
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Parental Notification Is an Insult to UCSB Students in Isla Vista

I fail to understand how letters home will ever cut down on student drinking better than other programs that deal with students directly.
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Red Tape: A Columnist and His Boat

I love boats. Unfortunately, I'm not a sailor, but I have the rest of my life to rectify the situation.
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Parental Notification Keeps I.V. Safe

This Fall, the university is implementing a "parental notification" system for all undergraduates who are cited for misdemeanors in Isla Vista.
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Weather: Exposing My Athletic Prowess

I spent the afternoon playing with my balls.Balls of all the primary colors your television-diminished imagination can handle. Bocci ball is a game of precise skill. Competitors huck large wooden ball...
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I Think Writer Jane Austen …

It happens every time. The guy asks what I am reading. I say Jane Austen. He cringes and cries out that her books are only about "women wanting to find rich husbands."
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I Think Writer Jane Austen …

As such a dedicated Jane Austin fan, I feel content in wondering: "Why didn't this woman's husband feed her to sharks two centuries ago?"
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Rock Climbing Helps to Weed Out the Morons From the Masters

I would like to disagree with Michael Long's assessment of the sport of climbing in, "Rock Climbing: Santa Barbara: Like a Rock" (Daily Nexus, May 17).
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The Reader’sVoice: Student’s Column Needs Clarification Over KCSB Funding

In response to Chris Hubbard's column about the Associated Students' annual budget a correction regarding KCSB-FM's financial relationship to A.S. is in order.
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Anger Lead to the Dark Side

Some children have the erie ability to scream as if their skin is being slowly ripped off of their face.
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