Argument in the Office

Argument in the Office: Tattoos in the Workplace

Aryana Kamelian and Melanie Ziment debate the value of tattoos in the workplace and whether or not employers should be able to discriminate against tattooed applicants.
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Argument in the Office: The Merits of Read Receipts

Opinion writers Ally McCulloch and Simon Ahrens face off on the societal value of read receipts.
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Argument in the Office: Are Celebrities Obligated to ‘Speak Now’ On Politics?

Opinion editors Laurel Rinehart and Harper Lambert discuss Taylor Swift's political Instagram post and debate the role of celebrities in civic discourse.
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Argument in the Office: The Ethics of Infidelity

Is cheating an unforgivable violation or an understandable human error? Aryana Kamelian and Konrad Neithercutt present both sides of the story.
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Argument in the Office: Should You Choose a Plant-Based Diet?

Opinion writers Harper Lambert and Calista Liu discuss the merits and drawbacks of adopting an entirely plant-based diet.
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Argument in the Office: New Year New You? Or More of the Same?

Laurel Rinehart and Ali Abouesh debate the validity of the resolution trend at the dawn of this New Year.
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Argument in the Office: Should Gauchos be Smoking Big Doinks?

Opinion editors Laurel Rinehart and Ali Abouesh debate the merits of marijuana usage in Isla Vista in light of its imminent legalization.
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