Taste of Home

A Hearty Family Recipe: Chorizo con Huevos

It brings back memories of driving to the carniceria with my mother while listening to 107.5 FM on the radio.
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A Simple Butter Chicken Recipe

This family recipe is easy to follow, quick and delicious, giving you a burst of Northern India’s vibrant flavors in every bite. 
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A Fresh and Easy Ramen Recipe

Whether it’s the dish’s colorful display or the seamless blending of savoriness and spice, there’s always something to love about ramen.
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Take-out at Home: Honey Walnut Shrimp

Although it may seem like there are a lot of elements to this dish, it is actually very easy to make and budget-friendly too!
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Tomato and Egg Stir Fry

Although this dish was simply a back-up, no-effort dish back at home, I now find myself craving it more and more as I spend an increasing amount of time away from home.
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Wrapping Your Own Wontons at Home

It's a great way to kill time and learn something new!
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Homemade Green Onion Pancakes

The final verdict: I would probably just continue purchasing the pre-made pancakes from the grocery store.
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A Mexican-American Thanksgiving

"My Thanksgivings have always been a fusion of both cultures."
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