Gaucho Soccer Fans Make Harder Anything but Boring

Andrew Seguin’s submission about his negative experiences in English football stands (“English Jeering Takes Fun out of Football,” Daily Nexus, Nov. 16, 2009) reminded me of how awesome the Gauc...
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Begakis Misses the Mark in Mass Infanticide Column

Oh, Steven Begakis. How cute that you’ve found God (“Mass Infanticide Cannot Be Government Subsidized,” Daily Nexus, Nov. 17, 2009). That must be so nice. Unfortunately, not all of us share your...
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Give a Standing Ovation for Public Performances

Living in a college town, we see a lot of weird shit go down. Just ask the poor, innocent alcoholics who’ve been ticketed for peeing in public, puking in public, fighting in public and even that...
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Online Commentary: Nexus Reader Finds A.S. Actions Sickening

Okay, so I’m reading this article (“A.S. Plans Power-Saving Project,” Daily Nexus, Nov. 10, 2009) about how Student Affairs has committed $3 million toward installa¬tion of “photovoltaic sola...
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Fan Defends Value of “Dear Igor” Column

“Dear Igor” is the very best thing about the Nexus this year, and I am proud that the staff was brilliant enough to create such an epic advice column. The fact that his articles are taken ...
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Labels Distort True Political Ideologies

Jeffery Robin’s article, “Radical Conservative Challenges Parties’ Adherence to Status Quo” (Daily Nexus, Nov. 4, 2009), delivers an important point: “Conservatives” such as Bill O’Reill...
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Stick Around Til Sunrise for a Morning Surprise

Picture it: Sunday, 3:37 a.m., dark room. Her cheetah-print bra is dangling from the lamp; his boxers are crumpled near the door. Snores from the sexiled roommate echo through the hallways.
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Love Mexican food, but ready to stray from the Freebird's following? Whether you are looking for a delectable and affordable lunch, dinner or late night snack, Romanti-Ezer is sure to satisfy any crav...
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Everyone’s an Accidental Voyeur in Isla Vista

Unintentional voyeurism happens all the time in our little beachside community. I can personally attest to an impressively long and varied list of what I consider research and what authority figures c...
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Nexus Headline Spurs Response

No one cares about the struggle of American Indians. Your life today is way better than it would've been if Europeans hadn't come and ruined the lives of those original Native Americans.
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The Wheels of the Bus

Well, summer is officially over. The kids have roared back into Isla Vista and taken over the dorms. Flocks of students are patronizing the various restaurants on Pardall Road and Embarcadero del Mar,...
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With Cinco de Mayo just around the corner, locals and students alike are preparing to celebrate a favorite Mexican holiday. In anticipation for the fiesta of the year, On the Menu scoured the streets ...
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Random Hookups Cheapen the Magic of Sex

Once upon a time, it was considered questionable for girls and boys to hold hands on the first date, much less kiss.
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Mary Jane Ain’t That Bad; Just Ask Our Friend Amsterdam

Imagine stepping up to the counter at your local cafe and ordering off of a menu that includes White Widow, Hash Plant Haze and Master Kush. Government-regulated marijuana dispensaries aren't just in ...
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