Damn Skippy: Death is Overrated; Just Torture ‘Em

I can't express how glad I am that the elections are over. This is the time when we, as Americans, can finally put down our defenses and relax without being bombarded by propaganda.
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Damn Skippy: Post-Election Hangover

The results of last Tuesday's elections have Democrats running with their pointy tails between their legs. Of course, it is natural to stop and reflect on what went wrong for them. Now is as good a ti...
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Damn Skippy: Ignorance Is Bliss – If You’re a Righty

I am not a huge fan of the United States' two-party electoral system. Having only two viable parties polarizes the country and creates awkward spoiler scenarios. I am convinced, though, that the worst...
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Damn Skippy: Bondage Is Not My Thing

After reading this November's supply of initiatives, I have decided that, while I have a difficult time rejecting propositions, I may make an exception for some of the ones on the ballot.
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Damn Skippy: He’s the Comeback Kid of Tikrit

Greetings American students. This is Saddam Hussein. I'm sure you have heard of me. I'm equally sure that you dislike me. Perhaps we could become pen pals someday. Your pictures are welcome too - it i...
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Damn Skippy: Forget the Media; Kerry Knocks Bush Out

Did you see the reactions to the presidential debates? Right after the event, most media outlets considered the event a draw. That's nonsense.
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Damn Skippy: What Happened to the Family?

Everyone in the political world loves the Family. They may not like their own families, as the second or even third marriages of our upstanding leaders tell us, but they love Families.
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Damn Skippy: Two Can Play This Game

One of my fellow Nexus columnists, Joey Tartakovsky, did a piece last week on the migration of jobs overseas. He interviewed one of UCSB's resident economists about this trend. Tartakovsky is a clever...
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Damn Skippy: Don’t Vote for G.I. John Kerry

I'm surprised that John Kerry's military record is widely believed to be his greatest strength. It certainly does say something about his character, but I'm not sure if it says anything positive.
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Damn Skippy: A Battle for Free Speech

I don't like the way that the battle against obscenity is going. I'm convinced that ultimately the battle will be lost, much to my delight. For some reason, Americans find the word "fuck" much too tit...
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Damn Skippy: Some Fine Amber Waves of Grain

I love a lot of things. Ice cream, "Zoolander," and camping are among them. I certainly love my country. But above all, I love myself. From this self-love comes my appreciation for everything else.
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Damn Skippy: Recent I.V. Decisions Should Concern Us All

Normally, I try to avoid local issues. Most of the time, they're boring, and even if they're not, regional matters are usually of little importance. Sometimes, they're both, like A.S. elections. But r...
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Damn Skippy: Milking a Liberal Conspiracy

Democrats seem to be making the administration's deception over the war in Iraq their leading platform. They're barking up the wrong tree. Don't get me wrong: Having certain evidence that George W. Bu...
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Damn Skippy: The Survival of the Fittest for Dummies

Population growth is a big problem for me. As an environmentalist, I'm concerned that America already uses more resources than it can sustain. Water tables are dropping, topsoil is eroding and other b...
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Damn Skippy: Movies Just Make Psychos More Creative

I get a huge kick out of hearing people complain about violence in the media. For my part, I tell them to go ahead and entertain themselves with "Teletubbies" and Celine Dion.
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