A Voice Against Mental Health Stigma: Gary Tsai, M.D.

After experiencing first— hand the stigma and marginalization that surrounds mental health when a family member was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Gary Tsai became an advocate to provide further assi...
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New Technique To Revolutionize In Vivo Research

Assistant professor in the mechanical engineering department at UCSB, Otger Campàs, develops new technique to study cells in living tissue
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Physics Phenom: UCSB Physicist Wins 2016 Packard Fellowship

Through a simple analogy, Young describes this concept as attending a party in a long, singular hallway.
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LinkedIn: Creating (Internet) Connections

Presently, fewer than 10 percent of Native Americans on tribal reservations have access to broadband internet.
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Where the Wild Things Are

As the UC Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve’s resident director, Don Canestro is certainly not reserved about his affection for the 600 acres of largely undeveloped land that is both his workp...
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Yellow-Legged Frog Populations Leap Forward

These frogs haven’t croaked yet.
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