“Idol” Singer Becomes Phenomenon

If you were to ask me what roughly one in every 10 Americans has done each Tuesday and Wednesday night over the past few months, I could probably attempt a few guesses.
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Meet the World’s Beloved Baldies

Be bold. Be brave. Be bald.
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Anna Nicole Smith’s Trial Creates Circus

Step aside, Judge Judy. Here comes Judge Larry. That's Judge Larry Seidlin to be exact - the man in charge of the debacle that is the Anna Nicole Smith trial.
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YouTube Gives Idiots, Greats Shot at Fame

One: cut a hole in a box. Two: put your junk in the box. Three: make her open the box. And that's the way you do it - according to Justin Timberlake, anyway. These instructions for the perfect gift, w...
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Reminisce on Super Bowl Madness

What do Prince, pass interference and illegal gambling all have in common? The Super Bowl, of course. And unless you were hiding in a hole, or intentionally avoiding it, you probably spent your Sunday...
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Smoking From Hookah Is Just as Deadly as Cigarettes

As I aimlessly ambled the streets of Isla Vista, stumbling into apartment after apartment, hoping to find a place to live last year, I noticed one thing: Every single home had a hookah. And I'm not ex...
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UC Grading System Is Unfair and Confusing

The UC grading system is as messed up as Maria Shriver's face. The current system, which was implemented decades ago, makes it incredibly easy for a student to have his GPA ruined by a C-, as anyone w...
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¿Qué Onda Guero?: Get Me a Coffee and T.P.

Many things in life please me. Booty shorts, snow cones and refrigerated drinking fountains, for example, are all great things. Unfortunately, these societal gifts are largely outnumbered by an array ...
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Time Is Never Wasted Watching T.V.

Face it. Television has become better than film. Up until around the turn of the century, great movies were consistently being pumped out by Hollywood studios. Nowadays, I feel lucky when I see one mo...
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Que Onda Guero?: Adderall Keeps You at Her All Day

Can't stay awake in your 9 a.m. section? Don't sweat it. Crack open a Rockstar. Ready to kill yourself knowing you've got one night to read The Grapes of Wrath? It's all good. Just pop some Adderall!
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Foreign Delicacies Are the Sweetest

Any guy can tell you that foreign girls are mind-numbingly attractive. Whether they're actually hot, which most that I've met seem to be, or even if they're not, there's something about their presence...
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When I think of American traditions, my thoughts usually drift to football, barbecue and a bunch of holidays that give people an excuse to get wasted. Lately though, I can only think about one thing: ...
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Suing people is awesome. Remember when that poor lady sued McDonalds after she spilt their boiling hot coffee on herself? She made millions! And I don't know about you, but at the time I was so upset ...
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Vibration Celebration Inappropiate

You're sitting in lecture, trying desperately to stay awake. You keep looking at the clock but it seems to have stopped moving. Suddenly your leg vibrates once and you spring to life. You automaticall...
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ÀQué Onda Guero?: Americans Are Losing Touch

In response to Courtney Stevens' editorial ("Liberty Belle: UCLA Concocts Unfair Process of Admissions," Daily Nexus, Oct. 3), I'd be remiss not to point out how her use of political rhetoric overshad...
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