In Photos | Earth 18 Exploring the Eastern Sierras

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to explore in Eastern Sierra on a field trip for UC Santa Barbara’s Earth 18 class. Over the course of four days and three nights, we visited iconic sites l...
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In Photos: I.V. Halloween

Gauchos grouped together and turned Del Playa into a costume show on Oct. 21, walking the pavement decked in tutus and jumpsuits.
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En fotos: El día de la tierra

Cada año, la Junta de Asuntos Ambientales de Estudiantes Asociados de UC Santa Barbara se prepara para albergar su conocido y querido I.V. Fiesta del Día de la Tierra. El evento, realizado en el par...
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In Photos: Earth Day

Every year, UC Santa Barbara’s own Associated Students Environmental Affairs Board gears up to host their well-known and well-loved I.V. Earth Day Festival. The event, held in Ansiq’Oyo’...
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