The Arbor ‘Springs into A.S.’ This Week

Associated Students has launched a five day-long campaign this week called “Spring into A.S.,” with A.S. representatives stationed at the Arbor from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. all this week to encourage st...
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VOX Rallies in Response to Recent Sexual Assaults

VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood will be holding a march called “Rally for Isla Vista Unity” today at 7:30 p.m. in front of the Student Resource Building to encourage unification efforts within ...
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Famed Evolutionary Geneticist Svante Pääbo Gives Lecture on Neanderthals

Respected geneticist Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany gave a lecture about Homo sapien human genomes in the Loma Pelona Center yesterday, as a part o...
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SB Community Groups Join to Battle Homelessness

Community organizations and residents of Santa Barbara County came together for a Homelessness Action Summit at Campbell Hall on Monday, with the event focusing on solutions to reduce homelessness in ...
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UCSB Black Student Union Hosts Month of Events

In honor of Black History Month, the Black Student Union is hosting, promoting and cosponsoring several events this month that will educate students on the history of the African diaspora, particularl...
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Hands 4 Others 5k Raises Over $3,000 for Clean Water

Nearly 200 runners laced up their shoes and took part in a 5k this past Saturday, raising funds for the establishment of installation systems providing clean water to the people of Honduras.
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Hands4Others 5k Run Raises Funds for Clean Water

Tomorrow, Santa Barbara water charity Hands4Others, in partnership with UCSB Real Life, will host a 5k run at 10 a.m. at the faculty club lawn to raise funds to install clean water systems in Honduras...
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Symposium Debates Poverty

Scholars and public policy professionals from across the nation gathered for a debate on Friday called “Organizing for Economic Democracy,” which touched on the historical, political and economic ...
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Ballin’ Workshop Teaches Students Budgeting Basics

“Ballin’ on a Budget,” a workshop which took place last night in the Student Resource Building, tutored students in “financial basics,” such as creating and managing a budget and applying fo...
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BSU and Chancellor Yang Collaborate to Establish Institutional Changes

Following negotiations for increased recruitment of black faculty and students, Chancellor Henry T. Yang and the Black Student Union reached an agreement in December that includes hiring an Admissions...
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San Miguel Hosts Support Panel For Sexual Violence Survivors

Students got the chance to learn how to support and meet the needs of partners who have been survivors of sexual violence in a panel entitled “How to Date a Survivor” that was held last night at S...
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