Twenty Years of Yang

He has advised the Department of Defense, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, NASA and the National Science Foundation. This past year, he finished his term as an elected chairman of the Association of...
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UCSA To Ask UC Regents to Postpone Student Regent-Designate Confirmation

Yesterday afternoon in a closed meeting, the University of California Students Association (UCSA) voted to recommend the UC Regents postpone their confirmation of Avi Oved as the student regent design...
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Gun Control Rally Marches Through I.V.

Students, locals and members of nonprofit organizations gathered in front of I.V. Deli Mart Saturday to protest gun violence for the #NotOneMore campaign, a gun control movement started by Richard Mar...
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Deep-Sea Explorer & UCSB Alumnus Ballard Gives Talk

Dr. Robert Ballard, one of today’s most well-known explorers of the deep sea, spoke at a packed Campbell Hall yesterday afternoon as the keynote speaker for UCSB’s eighth annual All Gaucho Reunion...
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Curiouser and Curiouser: Last Lecturer Shares His Story

Last night, linguistics professor Robert Kennedy lectured as if it were his last chance to do so, speaking on linguistics and his own personal experiences in the field, as part of the UCSB “Last Lec...
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Just Do HIIT

It’s week six, which means midterms have descended upon UCSB. Plundering our precious reserves of brainpower, they have left us under-caffeinated, stripped of time, and quite possibly tempted to ski...
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Speak, Dance, Sing, Save The World: Change For Change

Student-Run Open Mic Night To Raise Funds, Awareness For Variety of Charitable Causes UCSB’s Residential and Community Living and the Hub are sponsoring a night of performances tonight to raise mone...
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A.S. Events This Week Inform Students About Debt

Students will have a chance at scoring some cost-free Ramen noodles at the Arbor today, as part of a series of events this week called “Week of Revenue,” which aims to provide students with educat...
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UCSB Rates Among Best Valued Colleges

UCSB ranked number 18 in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine’s 2014 list of the top 100 “Best Values in Public Colleges” after a combined analysis of the university’s education and economi...
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The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Sugar: 10 Ways It’s Ruining Your College Experience

Alcohol. Cocaine. Heroin. Sugar. Wait. Sugar? It’s not a typo. Sugar, like any drug, is addictive. This is because it triggers the release of dopamine, among other neurotransmitters, which sends sig...
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Annual Butterflies Continue to Migrate into Goleta Grove

Until the first or second week of February, thousands of brightly colored monarch butterflies will continue to descend upon Goleta to find refuge in the Goleta Butterfly Grove. The grove is located on...
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Shi’s the Man: Researchers Collaborate with ERI Alum

UCSB’s Earth Research Institute has been measuring changes in cloud formations, land masses and ocean currents for years, but now the organization is collaborating with the State Key Laboratory of R...
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Doctor Who? A Look Into Pre-Med Competition

A breeze spiraled through the air, palm trees framed an ocean glittering in the distance, and second-year biology major William Tobolowsky sat at a glass table on the third floor of the Life Sciences ...
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UCSB Students Take On Santa Barbara International Marathon and Half Marathon

“At the eleventh mile, there was this long steep hill. Oh my god, my legs were barely moving. Then after the hill, I just started booking it.” Second-year biology major Emily McGovern had never r...
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Health Officials Warn of Meningitis Surfacing on Campus

After two UCSB students were diagnosed with meningococcal disease, a bacterial infection that causes the highly contagious illnesses meningitis and meningococcemia, the Santa Barbara Department of Pub...
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