The Trump Administration Finally Got Something Right

Dylan Parisi voices his support for President Trump's missile strike on Syria.
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How We Got Here: The Conditions That Let Trump In

Dylan Parisi outlines the conditions that have led to our current political landscape.
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Cal-exit and Why it Just Won’t Work

Dylan Parisi takes a closer look at the many problems with Cal-exit that are too big to ignore.
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Why Liberals Should Support the Decision to Let Shapiro Speak

Dylan Parisi explains why liberals shouldn't seek to ban conservative pundit Ben Shapiro from speaking.
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Predictions for Each Possible Outcome in the 2016 Election

On the eve of election day, Dylan Parisi lays out the possible outcomes of the election on the national scale
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Debate After Debate: Trump’s Perversion of the Election

In the wake of the second debate and the brink of the third, Dylan Parisi contemplates our political climate.
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