UC vs. DC: Battle of the Bagels

An On The Menu Writer takes her taste buds cross-country to compare the foods of Isla Vista to those of Washington DC
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Springtime Berry Pancakes

Start your day off right with delicious and refreshing pancakes.
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Spend the Day at the Summerland Beach Café

On The Menu writer Natasha Tandler reviews one of her UCSB bucket list destinations, Summerland Beach Café.
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Fight Food Insecurity at Anisq’Oyo’ Park

An inside look at the upcoming event: The Food for Freedom Fair
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A ‘Meating’ of Minds

"It really wasn’t until Sean and I finally moved into our first apartment together that I started to realize how significant our clashing eating habits were."
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The All-Inclusive Cookie

The ultimate cookie to wipe away all the negative things happening in the world.
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Culture and Cuisine: A Culinary Conversation

"With a large smile on her face, Chavon proudly told me that she makes her meals at home as much as possible [...] It was filled with gourmet foods that none of my other college friends would even dar...
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