The Quirky Monster

Columnist Naomi Rea details her adventures at one of the quirkiest restaurants around.
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Growing From Disaster

Columnist Naomi Rea explores the idea that there is much to be learned from this Deltopia.
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Naturally Perfect Versus Perfectly Natural

Columnist Naomi Rea explores society's fixation on the "perfect" body.
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Ethical Consuming: Think Before You Buy

Columnist Naomi Rea explains the importance of buying fair-trade goods.
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She Wants the D(estruction of the Patriarchy)

Ladies, we've got some reappropriation to do ...
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In Defense of the Paperback

To Kindle, or not to Kindle? That is Naomi's question.
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Feminism and Self-Loathing in Las Vegas

Naomi Rea wonders if she's really being the best feminist she can be.
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Ladies: Let’s Get Real!

Naomi Rea is so sick of faking it.
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I’m a Real Word!

Columnist Naomi Rea explains the importance of expanding and updating the dictionary, even with non-traditional words like "selfie."
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Nine Bits of U.S. Nonsense

Naomi Rea offers up a few tips to help us Americans out.
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Halloween: An Irish Tradition?

Naomi Rea details the differences between Irish and American Halloweens.
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Let’s Talk Labia

Naomi Rea explains why you shouldn't fear your (or anyone else's) vagina.
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Jumping the Pond: From Ireland to I.V.

It's her first time in America, and EAP student Naomi Rea has already had plenty of culture shocks, from her first experience with a gun, to her elation over our fancy iced water.
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