UCSB Student Body Members Display Their Distaste For President Bush

Yesterday at noon, a group of about 15 students streaked across the Arbor. They wore only George W. Bush masks. Bystanders were confused, but then they saw the banner these naked patriots bore: "Bush,...
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Support Bush’s Impeachment

Remember that whole impeachment thing last quarter? Yeah, well, we're back. Bush is still breaking the law. His approval ratings are still falling. His war is still dragging on. His Republican cronies...
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Time To Trim the Hedges

Smell that smoke? The Constitution is burning. Hear that laughter? President Bush thinks he's going to get away with it. Have you seen those little fliers around campus that say "Impeach Bush"? Well t...
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Conservative Corruption Is Booming, Setting Terrible Example

I'm optimistic. Our leaders cannot get any more corrupt and evil. Surely they've hit rock bottom, which means there's nowhere to go but up for our conservative rulers. Oh, but it's so cute to see them...
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