The Dwindling Days of Freshman Year Spent Waxing Poetic

Last week, I was supposed to write a poem for my English class. It's fun writing poems because nobody understands them. You could write "A blue cup, washing in the wind" and accept praise for it.
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Mastering the Science of Puking It Up at UCSB

Last week, I'm lying on my back thinking, "I can't believe I have Astronomy 1 at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning," when I feel another one coming. Holy shit, not again! I've been in the toilet all night, and ...
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AOL Instant Messenger and the Deterioration of the Human Race

It is obvious the Internet is killing us - not mentally, but physically. For example, when I checked my e-mail this morning, I fell out of my chair and broke my right nut.
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San Nic Dicks and Paranoid Chicks: More Rants From a Freshman

This is something I hate more than anything else. I hate when, for example, I'm about to walk into San Nicolas Residence Hall, but before I go inside, I yell to a bunch of guys playing football on the...
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How To Get Laid at UCSB: Some Advice From a Freshman

I'm a little, nervous shit, so at my first UCSB party I walked up to this gigantic senior carrying a bottle of vodka and asked him, "So, how do you get a girl around here?" He didn't respond with comp...
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