Marathon Running Takes First Place in To-Do List

Have you created a list by now? Those things you want to accomplish by the time you are 30, 50 or 100 years old? I like to keep some things written down that remind me of the goals I’ve developed ov...
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Arts and Lectures Events Make for Lasting and Unique Memories

When the lights came on in Campbell Hall that night, I remember thinking, “You have got to be kidding!”
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Airline Points Ease Post-Graduate Grind

Have you seen the movie “Up in the Air?” At one point, there is a scene where George Clooney’s character is comparing his “status” on different airlines with a fellow hardcore traveler.
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Creating Your Personal Food Network

When I was your age, I began to gain an appreciation for eating.
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Alumnus Regrets Missed Opportunities Abroad

There are few things I regret in my life. After all, I feel like it’s important to make decisions and deal with the consequences and live life to the fullest every day.
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Get Linked

Back in the day, when I was rolling through campus, the internet was alive and well but access to get on it was limited.
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