My fellow Gauchos,
There are few things I regret in my life. After all, I feel like it’s important to make decisions and deal with the consequences and live life to the fullest every day. There is one thing, though, that I wish I would have done in college — study abroad.
When I was at UCSB, I had tons of excuses as to why I couldn’t make it happen. For most people, including myself, I became very comfortable with my friends, my lifestyle and having the beach two blocks from my house. My days living at my folks’ house were a clear memory and I really loved my independent situation in Isla Vista. New friends, new scenery, some cool parties, I remember it well.
But now is the time, my fellow Gauchos, to go out and explore. Now is the time to truly “learn” while living in another part of the world. Now is the time to take a walk down to South Hall and talk to someone about what studying abroad is all about (UCSB has made it very easy to find out information about all of their abroad programs). I think you’ll be surprised to learn that costs can be much lower than you think and you won’t have to worry about any delays in graduating on time.
I have a lot of friends and colleagues who took advantage of studying abroad, and every one of them says it was one of the best things they have ever done in their life. For those who never took advantage of the opportunity, it’s the #1 thing they wish they had done. Chat up your friends, the person you are dating, and the person you want to be dating and have a real discussion about traveling together to a brand new place. Whether you do it alone (which can also be amazing) or with friends, it’s only a few months and it will be sure to change your life.
Here is some information to make this super easy to explore: The Education Abroad office is at 2431 South Hall and their phone number is 805-893-3763. There is a fantastic website with tons of information at Make it happen!