The Pointlessness of Pot Persecution

The fight for the right to use hemp and laugh at one’s rulers has been happening constantly for centuries. The desire for a central authority to control and regulate the natural interconnectedness o...
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Hemp to Potentially Replace Reliance on Fossil Fuels

Humanity stands at a crossroads. For nearly two centuries, human civilization has seen its every facet transformed by the machinery of industrial development. During this period of rapid expansion, w...
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Survival Dreams Glimpse Human Evolutionary Horizon

Albert Einstein, smart guy that he was, once wrote, “I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
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Can Psychedelic Drugs Substitute for Oprah’s Book Club?

Life is but a dream. This phrase we hear sung in a nursery rhyme as children has more meaning than I suspect the average six-year-old is able to comprehend.
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Psychedelic Drugs Liberate the Mind, Destroy Preconceptions of the Divine

Some people just can’t take a joke. Luckily, there is a cure for this. The cure goes by many names, but all fall within the category of psychedelics. If a hundred idiots all agree that a falsehood i...
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Harmful Bath Salts Become New, Legal Substitute to Same, Old Weed

Two months ago, the DEA ruled a 12-month emergency ban on synthetic cannabis chemicals being sold legally in convenience stores nationwide under the moniker, “Spice.”
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How Psychological Vampirism Can Totally Harsh Your Mellow

Every person has a drug of choice. Someone yesterday argued to me the point that “being drug-free is free,” which is good advice to heed if one’s demand for pleasure chemicals exceeds his supply...
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Charismatic Leader Turns Condescending Demagogue

President Barack Obama recently held a YouTube conference in which American citizens could ask questions about the topics they feel are important to the country.
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Narcotics Provide Scapegoat for Troubled Nation

We’ve been trying for quite some time to solve our problems with the same mentality we had when we created them. We’re almost out of stupid plans to try.
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The Five Points of Cannabis

Okay, Proposition 19 went down in flames. Fuck it. Time to keep this psychedelic gravy train a-rolling and keep all eyes on the real prize coming in 2012: The Beginning of the World.
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Trust the Higher Power, Not the Governing Authority

To be a lawyer, one must be exceptionally talented at twisting the meaning of words. Our current drug policy at the federal level is enabled by the intentionally ambiguous language of law, and centuri...
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How I Learned to Stop Hating and Love Ganja

Today’s column is the last that I write as a student here at the University of Casual Sex & Beer, so I will babble in the form of a Life Thesis.
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Silent Stoner Majority Sinks Indebted Ship of State

The Universe gave us a test, California, and we couldn’t even spell our own name, much less correctly answer the first question. Last week I was being lyrically abusive in the spirit of political op...
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Potentials of Cannabis Plant Undermine Fear of Corruption

Marijuana should never have been illegal. There are many within the toking community who choose to devalue the significance of Prop 19 because marijuana is already accessible to people with a medical ...
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Cannabis Capitalism Deserves Freedom to Profit

The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Dept. recently raided the local medical marijuana dispensary Helping Hands Wellness Center to confiscate a hundred pounds of pot, over a thousand cannabis plants and twen...
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