Book Review: Carl Hiaasen | Basket Case

Basket Case is about journalism, rock 'n' roll and mortality, plus a bit of sex from the lower end of the R rating. Because it's a novel by Carl Hiaasen, it's also funny as hell.
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Beware the Man With a Clipboard, Forked Tongue

Saying politics are dirty may be like saying water is wet, but even if that's the case, county politics are a drenching tsunami of filth.
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Parking Lots and People Aren’t Good Sex Aids for Plovers

The county planners, bright and well-meaning chaps all, are kicking around a plan to enhance the natural beauty of Sands Beach with a big, fat parking lot. Just like at Goleta Beach.
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Grad Students Bite Back at Elections

Fed up with the way mandatory student fees are dumped on them, grad students are threatening to make this year's campuswide elections worthless.
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A Living Wage for the Upper-Middle Class

It's possible to get the Santa Barbara City Council to care about the cost of living for city employees, but only if said employees are making about $190,000 per year.
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Don’t Take the Toothless Hamp-ster Seriously

Q: How much wood would Associated Students President Brian Hampton chuck if Associated Students President Brian Hampton could chuck wood?
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Slithering Out of Stoplights for Old Town Goleta

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but the road to UCSB is paved with committees. It's a wonder it's paved at all, and who knows if it'll ever get to Old Town Goleta.
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Conservative Medusa Wears a Miniskirt, Still a Moron

Not all conservatives may be bigoted harpies, but all bigoted harpies are conservative - at least all bigoted harpies who come to speak at UCSB for a $5,000 fee for an hour or two.
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When the S.M.U.R.F.s Fight UCSB, Bet on Asphalt

In a development that should surprise no one, UCSB's administrators, professors and staffers can't agree where to park it or how to pay for it.
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With Liberty and Justice for Buttsylvania and Leggies

My fifth-grade class was a lot more competent than A.S. Legislative Council. We got the garbage out of the way early and quickly, so we could move onto the class' important business: eating paste and ...
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10 Clowns Slither Onstage at Goleta Circus

Ten people are running for five city council seats in a non-existent city that will probably go broke.
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I.V.’s Snakepit of Redevelopment Committees

For the last 11 years, various crusaders, crooks and cranks on the I.V. Redevelopment Agency (RDA) have been working on a plan for Isla Vista.
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Drama Major Collapses Onstage

Greg D'Amico, a 20-year-old dramatic art major, lost consciousness and died on stage at 9:30 p.m. on May 10 while performing at the Studio Theater in Snidecor Hall.
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Campus Elections Committee Receives Voting Process Complaints

Thursday's campuswide election results, which included the passage of the Student Resource Building Fee Initiative by nine votes and the failure of the Recreational Sports Fee Initiative, have since m...
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Pimping and Pandering in Sports Media

Only the scars of last weekend are left. Or rather, forming. Forming on my right middle finger and on my sunburned, blistering left arm.I'm not surprised.
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