Varied Lineup Provides Exciting Possibilities

The World Cup is heating up with a varied and competitive selection of players.
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In the World Cup, Argentina to Win, but USA Could Cause an Upset

In the upcoming World Cup Argentina will be a powerhouse to watch and the USA is slated to start the show off with a bang.
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The FIFA Forecast Part 1: Introduction and Group A

For one month every four years, the entire world stops for one event: the FIFA World Cup.
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U.S. Intervention Wins Few Friends

Editor, Daily Nexus, U.S. intervention in foreign affairs is now at a frightening level. I am not an isolationist - I think this country needs an enormous dose of free-trade.
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Scoring Weed in SF Is Not That Difficult

I guess your columnist's friend just doesn't know where to go to get "the good stuff" in San Francisco (Golden State Blues: Hippie Hill is a Haven," Daily Nexus, March 1).
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