Simply Stated

Simply Stated: Do we really only use only 10% of our brains?

Nestled within the fortress of our craniums, the human brain stands as one of the most complex structures in the known universe. It orchestrates our thoughts, emotions and behaviors with a level of so...
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Simply Stated: What is endometriosis, and why is it so much more than bad periods?

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and there’s no better time to talk about this invisible but terrible disease. Endometriosis and all of its related chronic conditions like polycystic ovary sy...
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Simply Stated: How scientifically accurate are this year’s Academy Award nominees?

Warning: This article contains spoilers about several 2024 Academy Award nominated films. With the Academy Awards fast approaching, many are probably watching and re-watching the nominees, attempting ...
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Simply Stated: What is the astronomy of Lunar New Year?

For those whose “new year, new me” plans for 2024 seem to be veering off course, look no further than Lunar New Year — a time to reset, recuperate, eat yummy food and bond with family. Long-stan...
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Simply Stated: How sustainable is the Stanley Cup?

A series of  TikTok videos went viral in December, showing Target shoppers aggressively running towards and grabbing Stanley’s newly-released, limited edition “Cosmo Pink” and “Target Red” ...
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Simply Stated: What caused the massive waves on the California coast?

  If you were anywhere on the California coast last month, you were likely one of millions receiving high surf warnings and coastal flooding advisories. On Dec. 28, 2023, Santa Barbara experience...
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Simply Stated: What is an El Niño year?

If you are like me, you may have heard the explanation, “because it’s an El Niño year” as a response to any questions about why it has been raining so much or why it has been so warm all of a s...
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Simply Stated: Why do holiday lights make us happy?

A walk around Isla Vista during the month of December reveals the community glowing under holiday lights and decorations. From the shining Christmas tree on Embarcadero del Norte and Pardall Road to t...
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Simply Stated: Which genre reigns supreme for your perfect study soundtrack?

As final exams creep closer, are you finding yourself wondering about how to improve the effectiveness of your study habits?
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Simply Stated: Do we really have free will?

When you decided to read the Science & Tech section of the Daily Nexus today, was it really a choice? Or is this action, and every action you have ever taken, predetermined? Hard determinists woul...
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Simply Stated: Do “guilt-free” prebiotic drinks actually make you healthier?

Have you found yourself grabbing a Poppi or Olipop prebiotic drink from the Arbor before class, reassured with the prebiotic labeling, or adding that free “gut health” supplement into your Blender...
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Simply Stated: Why do we love true crime?

It starts with a murder. It always starts with a murder (or something along the same lines). Then come the police and detectives and interviews of witnesses, friends, family. And then the ultimate rev...
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Simply Stated: What’s the tea on caffeine?

Whether it is grabbing a Guayakí Yerba Mate from the Arbor before hitting the library or downing a cup of coffee in an attempt to stay awake for an 8 a.m. class, many UC Santa Barbara students rely o...
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Simply Stated: Is your morning oat milk latte bad for you?

Plant-based milk alternatives have been on the rise and, more recently, oat milk has become a popular choice. Almost every coffee shop you walk into will have oat milk as an alternative for lattes and...
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Simply Stated: Curious about curiosity? Why do we seek answers?

Curiosity, the trait concerning an individual’s propensity to seek new information, is highly variable. How does it shape the lifelong journey of learning? Is it university students' best learning a...
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