Democracy Is Not a Popularity Contest

This is an open letter to the student body of UCSB regarding two articles that were in the New York Times this past Friday.
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Grant Allows Locals to Plant Trees in I.V.

Isla Vista is growing greener by the week, as volunteers from Goleta Valley Beautiful plant oak trees along Camino Corto and the Del Sol Vernal Pools in an effort to reforest the area.
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ICA Building Undergoes More Delays

The opening of the new Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Building has been pushed back another four to six weeks because materials for the project were not delivered on time, university officials said. ...
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Liberals Aren’t Commies in a World Bent on Insanity

In response to the article by Justin Ruhge ("Liberals, Ever Heard Of Communism?" Daily Nexus, Oct. 18), it should be said that the foundation of any liberal sentiment is not to further any communist o...
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