Aggressive Progressive: The Liberals Strike Back

Last week, billionaire financier George Soros announced that he would donate up to $5 million to the progressive grassroots organization, Soros called the presidential elections in 2004 "a...
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Scheming With the Enemy

You missed an impressive milestone last week, if you did not have one eye watching the news ticker. The Associated Press, the largest newsgathering organization in the world, released a story about th...
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Dubya’s Dwindling Digits

Those with dreams - or nightmares - of George Bush gliding through the 2004 elections into a second term have been snapped into reality by a cascade of recent polls.
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Arnold Schwarzensexist

Let's start with a few recall election truisms. A week from now, the zany recall circus will be over and California's tax-loving, business-loathing government might just be in the hands of family man ...
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The Unwelcome American

"The Battle of Algiers" depicts the urban guerrilla warfare waged between Algerian nationals and the French colonial army in the 1950s during the struggle for Algerian independence.
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Perspectively Challenged

His piece begins with the claim, uniformly made by the reactionary Israeli right, that Palestinian suicide bombings are "the obstacle" - notice the singular - to peace.
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Advertisements Peddle Fear and Doubt

David Reeves referenced the Nexus ads depicting Israeli students and their encounters with terrorism and asked, "What are they trying to sell?" I would like to propose an answer.
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On March 5, Walk out of Class and Into an Anti-War Protest

The newly formed Student Coalition for Peace calls on UCSB students to join hundreds of other college campuses and participate in the national one-day student strike on March 5, 2003. We believe that ...
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More Moral Mathematics

In all spheres of human life, individuals face a massive burden if they wish to justify the use of violence. This burden has never been remotely met by the Bush administration and is becoming even har...
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Resisting Blind Patriotism

The repercussion I fear most is a radical crystallization of blind and belligerent national pride - the kind that mucks up even the most reliable channels of information, and impedes progress in all f...
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