Campus World Filled with Prospects
I signed up to be a columnist this year on a whim. My primary job has always been to illustrate the opinion articles, but I figured I would give writing them shot.
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I signed up to be a columnist this year on a whim. My primary job has always been to illustrate the opinion articles, but I figured I would give writing them shot.
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As much as I've been raving how great the movie season has been this year, sometimes it's nice to take a break from the epic sensory overloads many of us have been experiencing at the theaters.
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There will be town hall meetings next week on Wednesday and Thursday in the UCen's Harbor Room to discuss a possible skateboarding ban on campus.
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In our brave new digital age, almost anybody can achieve fame through the Internet.
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On Tuesday, I came back from one of the best single day excursions I've had in the San Fernando Valley to find that the power had gone out at UCSB.
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Last Wednesday, Microsoft held a Halo 2 tournament at Corwin Pavilion. As a self-hating nerd, I'm inclined to ridicule all those players that attended.
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Dr. John "J.D." Dorian, the main character of "Scrubs", once said in reference to an inferior medically themed show about the lives of interns becoming full-fledged doctors, "Oh, I do love that show.
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I was skating to the office one Saturday afternoon when I noticed an event going on in Storke Plaza.
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Not wanting or even needing to thrash Associated Students any further this week, I was without an idea for a column.
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I once saw an episode of the Adventures of Pete & Pete that changed the way I looked at the world.
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Like any horror character worth its weight in kills, a successful horror film will keep coming back for more.
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Shortly before the release of "The Hills Have Eyes 2," Artsweek, along with several other publications, was invited to participate in a press conference call with the film's writers, Wes Craven and hi...
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With the quarter coming to a close, I have to once again attempt to explain to my parents exactly what I've been doing as a film studies major.
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A man appeared at the doorway of the office where I was working, appeared so suddenly and silently you'd have thought he'd just popped out of the ground.
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Remember back in the day when we used to sign up for classes just for the hell of it? Or how about joining sports for the fun of playing? Metal shop, home economics and beginners' art may not have cou...
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