Not Even Bananas Are Exempt From Laws

Sometimes you have to wonder about the outgoing product of our wonderful UC system. I mean, there's a billion and one things in this world to legitimately complain about. But a banana? No, I'm not sid...
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You Can Only Say Bush Sucks In the Free World

It made my head spin, but an epiphany came to me: We're one of the few nations that will allow such analysis and opinion in response to a speech by our leaders. Don't dare try this in North Korea, Ira...
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Cellular Hell on the Road and on a Dinner Date

I went out on a date downtown with a girl I met through a friend. We met up at Longboards Grill for dinner and all was going great until her cell phone started ringing every couple of minutes. The fir...
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Noseless Pop Star’s Arrest Raises Some Eyebrows

Under our justice system we are all innocent until proven guilty. With this said, I, along with many others, can't break myself from believing that the allegations of child molestation against Michael...
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Your Friendly PATRIOT Act

Sure, Big Brother is watching with the KH-11, KH-12, Lacrosse, Onyx and Vega satellites. Big Brother can monitor phone and e-mail communications. Search warrants are easier to obtain.
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Paper, Plastic, or Protest?

The recent supermarket workers' strike has gotten me thinking of back when I used to be a union carpenter's apprentice for AFL-CIO Local 727 in Miami, Fla. It has also gotten me thinking as to why the...
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Cleaning Slung Mud

A week before California's historic gubernatorial recall election, the groping allegations against candidate Schwarzenegger began to surface. In the world of dirty politics this was no surprise.
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Recall Tells Politicians Exactly Where to Stick It

It comes as no surprise. And as the deadline of Oct. 7, 2003 approaches, I truly hope that soon-to-be former Governor Gray Davis isn't surprised as well.
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Everything a Student Could Ask for and More

As the guy referred to as the "longtime Isla Vista resident," I feel the need to write the obligatory "Welcome to I.V. piece for you, the incoming UCSB freshman class of 2003-04.
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Peace on the Horizon?

The "Roadmap to Peace" has been presented to the Israelis and the Palestinians. This noble plan for something so elusive hinges on many factors, but there is one factor most prevalent in the big pictu...
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Defending the Foot Patrol

Grand juries are a funny thing. On the one hand, you have a group of people gathered together to make a ruling to better some aspect of society based on the findings in their published report.
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The Silence to the South

In an attempt to silence the voices of dissent, Fidel Castro has ordered the arrest of at least 75 individuals for merely speaking their minds. The world's back is turned so it is time to round up any...
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Saddam Should Kiss His Tyrannical Butt Goodbye

Insane Hussein is hiding out. The losing regime is relying on young Iraqis to sacrifice themselves as well as innocent civilians in order to stay in power. This regime is coming to a rapid close.
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Make Like a Tree and Leave

With everything going on in the world today it is so easy to overlook the things going on in our very own backyard at times. Sure, international politics affects us all on a big scale. But it is the e...
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Center of the Middle

Last week's developments will make or break the case against Saddam Hussein's regime. In a sense, the Security Council has given the Hussein regime enough rope to either hang itself with or rein in al...
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