Amnesty Fails as a Realistic Option
The population has become concerned enough over the 12 million and growing population of illegal immigrants to force the issue to Congress' attention for the second time this year via the McCain-Kenne...
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The population has become concerned enough over the 12 million and growing population of illegal immigrants to force the issue to Congress' attention for the second time this year via the McCain-Kenne...
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Thousands of public high schools across the country are now eliciting regular and mandatory urine samples to test for drug use among their students.
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Values. As a society, a community, a campus and as individuals we have embraced and espoused a selection of values that we collectively esteem.
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The three front-runners that have emerged from the 10 Republican candidates that swarmed the stage of Saturday's debate appear to be Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney.
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Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton called the retail giant a "mixed blessing" in Saturday's debate, Wal-Mart is unquestionably good for both America's economy and America's people.
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The old affirmation that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer" is a claim frequently bandied about in the rhetoric of politicians on the left, and, I am sure, many of your prof...
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Because the most recent survey from the Pew Research Center has indicated that only about two-thirds of Americans could correctly identify their state's governor - roughly the same amount who could co...
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Were you aware that you live in a country that can seize your private property if it deems it appropriate?
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U.S. Border Patrol officers more closely resemble crossing guards than law enforcement officials.
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Although it has been popular to spout anti-American sentiments abroad for some time now, the recent upsurge in Americans themselves contributing to this dialogue is both embarrassing and extremely dam...
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Let's pretend that the existing welfare state is necessitated by the existence of those in need of financial or other assistance.
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I hope that those who participated in Thursday's strike against the war have sufficiently convinced themselves that they were taking part in a greater cause rather than simply indulging in their own l...
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In recent weeks healthcare has become the center of political debate and the likely target for impending reform. The renewed call for universal healthcare represents another manifestation of Americans...
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Praise for the new, higher minimum wage reveals a nonexistent understanding of the basic functioning of a free market economy in Congress and among voters. Instead, it shows the Democrats' commitment ...
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The resolution condemning the troop surge in Iraq, passed by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations last Thursday, is only another unfortunate exhibition of politics compromising the promotion...
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