Predictive tabling: dressing to avoid the Arbor tablers

Walking through the Arbor is a fate worse than death most days. Those petition-wielding beggars can smell a vulnerable person like a shark smells blood. Tablers will force you into a conversation, eve...
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Top 5 tips to be the worst roommate

So the end of the year is quickly approaching and leases need to be reviewed, but you have one critical problem: you want to live with your bestie instead of your roommate! Unfortunately, your roomie ...
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No partner? No problem! Print a plastic peen!

All students would be given the opportunity to print two false flesh flutes for the price of one.
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Breaking News: Tour de France rerouted to UCSB bike lanes, all students automatically entered

Chancellor Henry T. Yang announces the reroute of the Tour de France to the UC Santa Barbara bike lanes and enrolls each student as a racer.
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Letter to Disney: I want MILF Padmé

Honestly, it’s just a really bad financial decision on your part; she would’ve been so popular.
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Color-blind Canadian confused to see flag everywhere on 4/20

“It’s so nice tah see all the Canadian flags aboot tahday, eh?” said Maple Snowbeaver, the Canadian exchange student in question. April 20: Weed Day.
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