Resolution Name | Authors | Student Sponsor | Date Introduced | Bill Type | Vote | Date of Final Action | Final Status | Dropdown |
052020-04 A Resolution In Solidarity with the Mauna Kea Protectors | Quintero-Cubillan, Youssef | Jeike Meijer | 5/20/20 | Positional | 22-0-0 | 5/29/20 | Passed | Summary: Calls on A.S. Senate to stand in solidarity with Mauna Kea Protectors by communicating with American Indian Student Association (AISA). Calls on the EVPSA to address Mauna Kea to the UC Office of the President. View resolution here. |
062020-01 Placeholder Resolution | Smith, John | Jane Smith | 6/12/20 | Positional | 22-0-0 | 6/17/20 | Tabled | Summary: Calls on A.S. Senate to stand in solidarity with Mauna Kea Protectors by communicating with American Indian Student Association (AISA). Calls on the EVPSA to address Mauna Kea to the UC Office of the President. View resolution here. |