In an effort to field public input on policing and public safety in Isla Vista, the Isla Vista Community Services District released a Google Forms survey on Dec. 1 for any and all Isla Vista community members to share their experiences and provide their perspectives with the option to remain anonymous.

As the I.V. CSD was looking at how to respond to calls from the community for greater transparency in local policing and public safety, Bertrand suggested using Google Forms. Courtesy of the I.V. CSD
“We want to equitably improve safety in a holistic manner, making our community safer by improving the health and wellness of our community. I especially hope that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community members share their perspective on safety in Isla Vista,” Ethan Bertrand, Isla Vista Community Services District (I.V. CSD) director, wrote in a statement to the Nexus.
As the I.V. CSD was looking at how to respond to calls from the community for greater transparency in local policing and public safety, Bertrand suggested using Google Forms.
According to the description on the Google Forms survey, the responses will be used “to improve our own public safety services” and “discover what potential new services are needed.” The results will be summarized and shared with the public, law enforcement and university officials down the line, according to the description on the form.
The form asks community members questions about their experiences with law enforcement, how I.V. can be made safer, how law enforcement can be improved, instances of racial injustice in I.V., public safety issues, interactions with I.V. CSD’s Safety Stations and on the interpersonal violence investigator’s role, a position created by I.V. CSD, in I.V.
Anyone who wishes to share their input and experiences can do so here:
what “calls from the community”?
There’s no “calls from the community” whatsoever. This is all self-produced drama to push their anti-police agenda. Good luck w/ that, especially w/ all the violent “homeless” camping out in IV now & the constant supply of marching powder (meth) that makes the rounds in the encampments.
CSD just needs a reason to exist, even if it’s an imaginary, made up, fabricated “reason” & what a better way to get it past than by racializing it & add the “social justice” catchphrase to the supposed issue.
Get a load of this crock of crap! Same people who killed the budget for community policing, now calling for “social justice” & all this other woke nonsense. Seriously, you people on the CSD need to find better use of your time, like making a REAL difference in Isla Vista for example. CSD has done NOTHING for Isla Vista, but then again, what can you expect from an organization created by Das Williams, the self-serving politico w/ a hyper-inflated sense of self importance? This is a stepping stone type of organization for budding politicos to pad their resumes w/, nothing… Read more »