Nexus File Photo
This past weekend was Jack Johnson’s birthday! So, here at the Nexus, we just wanted to wish Jack Johnson a happy birthday! Jack Johnson’s birthday this year will be his 44th. Not many people know this, but Jack Johnson actually attended UCSB! Jack Johnson graduated with a degree in film and media studies. Jack Johnson is particularly special to the Gauchos, especially those that enjoy Jack Johnson’s soft rock.
The Nexus is so proud of all of Jack Johnson’s accomplishments, like “Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson, “Better Together” by Jack Johnson and “Upside Down” by Jack Johnson. These songs show that Jack Johnson is a musician.
“Jack Johnson, Jack Johnson, Jack Johnson,” said one Jack Johnson fan, clearly passionate about Jack Johnson. “Jack Johnson, Jack Johnson.”
After speaking with the Jack Johnson fan club, the Nexus obtained some Jack Johnson facts. Here are some Jack Johnson facts that Jack Johnson fans might enjoy about Jack
Johnson: Jack Johnson plays music, Jack Johnson has gone through phases where he sported a beard, Jack Johnson met his wife at Ortega Dining Commons, Jack Johnson lied and said he met his wife at De La Guerra Dining Commons and Jack Johnson was formerly a professional surfer.
“Jack Johnson,” stated one matter-of-fact Gaucho. He was quickly echoed by other Gauchos who solemnly nodded while muttering, “Jack Johnson, Jack Johnson, Jack Johnson.”
In addition to true facts about Jack Johnson, the Jack Johnson fan club also provided the Nexus with some Jack Johnson facts that may or may not be true: Jack Johnson enjoys kumquats, Jack Johnson has an affinity for beer pong, Jack Johnson has only greened out twice, Jack Johnson HAS returned to the residence halls in order to obtain free condoms and dental dams and Jack Johnson has NEVER urinated on Del Playa. The Nexus has not found any evidence to confirm or deny any of these Jack Johnson statements.
Once again, the Nexus would like to wish Jack Johnson a happy birthday, and encourage every Gaucho to sing “Banana Pancakes.”
John Jackson took a shot of Vitali every time he wrote Jack Johnson.