Human history has always revolved around “who holds the power.” Power is a universal concept. Everyone understands power at an instinctual level, but we rarely directly talk about it. We need to talk about power in Isla Vista and who wields it. Measure R is all about rights, resources and representation for I.V., but most importantly it is about who will have power in I.V. Voting Yes is in favor of those who live here, while voting No is in favor of those who don’t.
In Isla Vista this year, we are voting on Measure R. It’s a small tax (3-4 bucks per month max for the vast majority of people) that gives us the power to locally decide on and fund services to protect tenants’ rights, build more lighting, implement community-policing instead of over-policing and make it easier and safer to park near your home by increasing the number of spaces available. Measure R will give Isla Vistans the ability to invest in our community to make it what we believe it can and should be, through our locally elected and growing I.V. Community Services District.

Will Tran / Daily Nexus
I.V.’s infamous corporate sleazy landlords, led by Chuck Eckert, Wolfe and Associates and Meridian, are against Measure R. They’ve named themselves “Isla Vistans Against Higher Taxes” even though none of them live in Isla Vista. Why? Let’s break that down.
First, let’s assume they are paying the cost of the tax directly. It’s not that much. They already make massive profits, pay very little taxes (due to Prop 13) and have a monopoly on 15k students’ housing options in I.V. They’ve got a perfect market situation to make a lot of money – and we all know they do. This is something they can afford and that might actually RAISE their property values by making I.V. a better place to live with more resources for community members. But they’re still against it.
In their campaign against Measure R, the corporate landlords have very clearly said (with 1990s clipart) that they will forward the full cost onto the residents – 3-4 dollars per month. They are using fear tactics in the most cruel way – preying on people’s housing insecurity by saying “RENT WILL GO UP.” That is a pure lie. The corporate landlords are the ones jacking up prices at least $100/month year after year after year – despite not paying any new taxes – to keep profiting off of our backs.
It’s time to take back I.V. for the people who actually live here. It’s time to make it OUR Isla Vista, not anyone else’s to make a profit off of.
But wait – if the landlords are going to pass the FULL cost of Measure R onto the residents (again, 3-4 bucks per month), then why are they against it? What have they got to lose? It will have ZERO financial impact on them since we, the people, will be paying it.
Power. Power is what they will lose. They are mounting a multi-thousand dollar campaign against Measure R, which has a volunteer-only campaign, to defeat it because they are absolutely terrified of losing power. If Measure R passes, the people who live in I.V. will finally have an actual say over what happens here instead of the absentee corporate landlords or any other external force. No longer will we be powerless on issues like blatant code violations, unnecessary loss of our security deposits, or be required to invest thousands just to get justice in court. They enjoy their stranglehold on the power and use it to maintain our broken status quo, they don’t want us to have power.
Isla Vista was built in the 1950s by similar money-hungry developers, oil companies and banks in order to capture the future market of students and totally control the situation by keeping UCSB out of the housing market and preventing any local governance. They convinced the County to give them special zoning to pack in more students, build less parking and even have less open space (also why the I.V. Rec and Park District is so important, and why it too has been opposed by the corporate landlords since Day 1 in 1972). This group, while the individuals change, has opposed anything good for Isla Vista for decades. Why should we listen to them now?
We should instead support the future and sustainability of local governance through the I.V. Community Services District for the benefit of the students and families who live here. In only one year it has already created the I.V. CSO Safety Stations to strengthen community policing, made the I.V. Community Room a vibrant space and planning on turning it into a Survivor Resource Center on weekend nights and afternoons and launched a pilot housing mediation program to solve disputes between landlords and tenants. Even though we had limited funds, we have limitless passion for our community. Imagine what we all could do together to make I.V. a better place for ourselves and all future residents, if we had the tools and ability to do so. The IVCSD is our tool for community investment and improvement.
It’s time to take back I.V. for the people who actually live here. It’s time to make it OUR Isla Vista, not anyone else’s to make a profit off of.
Vote YES on Measure R on June 5th. Sign our pledge card. Volunteer for our grassroots campaign. Like our page Vote Yes on R – Our Isla Vista and share the campaign video. Take a small action to secure Isla Vista’s future; thousands of future Isla Vistans will appreciate your contribution to our decades-long struggle.
Jonathan Abboud wants Isla Vistans to know that a Yes vote for Measure R will put the power into their hands .
Interesting. This dude is not identifying himself as the manager for the CSD. Basically–“vote for Measure R so you can pay my salary.” An ex AS student president who tried oh so hard to pass the Newcen lock in fee. Now wants to do the same thing off campus.
Basically a shill for IV’s biggest landlord by far and away–UCSB. BTW UCSB tenants will not be paying the utility tax.
UCSB isn’t in the boundaries of the District so they wouldn’t, state agencies also don’t pay taxes in general. UCSB is donating $1.4 million to the District, that is incredibly generous.
the only monopoly here is UCSB–they aren’t paying the tax
UCSB isn’t in the boundaries of the District so they wouldn’t, state agencies also don’t pay taxes in general. UCSB is donating $1.4 million to the District, that is incredibly generous.
UCSB is a cancer in this community that is killing its host. You are a tool of UCSB starting with AS government and now continuing off campus. Yes, of course they are bankrolling the CSD so that they can throttle IV. They purchased properties–FT and Tropicana that permanently remove huge sums of money from the local tax base for roads, schools, all infrastructure. Their students and staff use that same infrastructure. “Incredibly generous”–giving public money back to the public. What a joke. UCSB belongs to US–the taxpayer. Now they use our money to screw with local politics using tool like… Read more »
A person who believes teaching young people calculus, quantum mechanics, machine learning, the world’s languages and cultures, the US constitution, and also how to get a good job and get and stay off public assistance is “a cancer”. Small wonder IV doesn’t even have sidewalks.
Hmmm. No sidewalks. Really now. Did you get the letter from the County yesterday–“IV Resident.” UCSB has not produced a “what our great university does for society” compilation since 2006 and that one was produced by an outside consultant. See the recent audit of UC impact on public services–primarily Fire Fighting. As for quantum mechanics and the economic well being of Santa Barbara County–good luck with that as a positive.
Uh… Shuji Nakamura at UCSB invented the technology in most of todays light sources…. which was pioneered by… Herb Kroemer of UCSB… two Nobel Prize winners. Without LED-based lighting, loads more costs on lighting our County. But you hate knowledge and progress, don’t you? You want slaves and serfs to do everything for you, and all technology invented in China. And more kids in IV getting killed and maimed by nuts like Attias and Rodger because everyone walks in the streets in IV because of the absence of sidewalks.
Nakamura did that science long before arriving at UCSB as did the economist they bought. Why don’t you look up UCSB’s forgotten Nobel laureate–Bob Schrieffer–you won’t find him in their publicity babble despite pioneering superconductivity. I’ll let you figure that one out. A tiny fraction of students at UCSB have any contact whatsoever with the professors you laud. Blaming Attias and Rodger on lack of sidewalks is idiotic. We now have sidewalks on both sides of DP and much if not all of Sabado Tarde. Sidewalks went in on a good part of Sueno and are going in on Trigo… Read more »
Uh… Nakamura chose UCSB because of Kroemer, also a Nobelist. Both instruct students in quantum mechanics and its application to innovative new devices, activities you describe as a cancer. Nakamura chose UCSB over Caltech, Harvard, Tokyo, Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg. 1000’s of students have had contact with both Kroemer (who taught intro quantum for decades) and also with Nakamura. Even more would have learned the math to take those courses if lowbrows like you didn’t belittle responsibility and hard work. People walk in the streets in IV because 1) the existing sidewalks are not continuous. Once a sidewalk segment ends, and… Read more »
Interesting. Thousands of engineers studying quantum mechanics and churning out bright new toys. We could babble for quite some time about the disposal of LED’s and the carcinogens therein or the discovery of mesothelioma in mice exposed to carbon nanotubes–all these wonderful engineering feats you/UCSB are all wet about. I guess superconductivity is of the table. Bottom line WTF is the positive economic impact on SB County? UCSB has an aging faculty and inadequate housing to replace them. That means more housing in Goleta since no assistant professor can afford what little is available. At some point this has to… Read more »
The carcinogens in LEDs are far less than those in tungsten-filiments or fluorescent bulbs. Schrieffer was a professor at… **FLORIDA** , not UCSB, when he committed the crimes you allude to. Of course North County lowbrows like you just want to hire more illegals to do all your work and then whine that the schoolteachers who try to educate them are union fools. You want everyone to stay as uneducated as possible. You obviously have never even been to Orange County because the traffic jams there dwarf anything in Goleta. And the point is to build UCSB housing very close… Read more »
Rodger stated with a knife and finished with a gun, moron–I listened to that “firecracker” from beginning to end. UCSB plans for decades and their only regulatory hurdle is the Coastal Commission?–great–that is why their sloppy, incongruous, mess of a campus grows like a tumor. Visited the library lately?–talk about a clusterfuck building–the old Library II entrance is still there . . . only you can’t get in. Classic UCSB “tumorture”. As for attending hearings–go on line and check the protests from community members about UCSB growth. Didn’t do a damn bit of good–never does. Even a UCSB shill like… Read more »
Rodger got in his car and drove around the loop, to El Embarcadero, to Del Playa, out to Camino Del Sur, back down Sabado, to down El Embarcadero again, then west on DP. Had the bollards still been in place at DP and Pescadero, lots of maimings would have been avoided. During his drive he maimed people in the streets and also shot people in the streets. If you know where to look you can find bulletholes along that entire route. All real IV residents know all that, but you don’t. The new library is dearly loved by actual UCSB… Read more »
What mindless “what if” trollop. What if the cops entered Rodger’s apartment when the visited before the shooting? What if he wasn’t ill and decided to attack during Deltopia? What if he decided not to drive on a street with a bollard? This has to be one of the more moronic reasons for a CSD one can possibly imagine. So you are saying the CSD is going to reintroduce those irritating bollards?–really? So “rearranging” FT’s parking is building housing on top of it? UCSB’s designated parking for those towers is not across the street . . . it is over… Read more »
Not mindless at all. The streets of IV should be safe for their principal use… pedestrian traffic. Cars can simply always drive slow. You are completely wrong about the parking… because of the emptiness of lots 60 and 65, all Santa Catalina parkers get permits there. Kluging together buildings **SAVES MONEY**, waste not want not.
Streets are not principally for pedestrian traffic. Those lots are not empty and do not service FT. This is easy to look up shill. Look at the number of bedrooms in those buildings. Are you aware that code in IV is three parking spaces per bedroom 50 feet from center line o road or curb whichever is furthest? Basically no new construction–ever. Except if you are IV’s largest and luckiest landhoard–UCSB. So the CSD is putting the bollards back? We get a do-over on those? We get to watch a bunch of no-nothings learn traffic 101?–at the tax payers expense?… Read more »
And you think the parking regulations in IV are UCSB’s fault? I’ve got news for you… Santa Barbara County makes those rules, not UCSB. And it was Santa Barbara County, through mismanagement of IV’s street network, who enabled Attias to kill and Rodger to maim (he killed with knives and guns) 10 or so young people. None of that is UCSB’s fault… UCSB has built a great university while the long-term residents of IV are incompetent nebbishes.
wtf nexus editor. an employee of the CSD using “editorial” to ask for money? and no ID?
I’m not an employee of the CSD, I provide general manager services through my LLC. I do think its important to put my title and I thought it would be in the last line like it usually is on nexus op-eds.
That statement is absurd. You are paid by the CSD. Check your own minutes
Nothing UCSB does is generous to people like me who grew up in Isla Vista. It most certainly is not your Isla Vista. 1.4 million is nothing compared to the trillions they make off this community. All they have done in my eyes is build all over our town, and make us pay to park, or completely keep us out. I’ve seen the kind of passion you students have, like burning couches in the streets, and trashing our town.
Which landlord is this?
So if you don’t like the CSD you are a “landlord”? What a crock. You push this “community center” right next to a PUBLIC university paid for by the PUBLIC. UCSB should be a community center but instead it excludes the community. Turning the Graduate into a shitty lecture hall/alcohol counseling center–talk about ripping the heart out of a community. Now students bus downtown for nightlife. We used to have it here–in IV.
The first thing this CSD will do to drag some serious bank out of IV will be to institute a parking permit program. UCSB will be all wet about helping them. Why do we have a parking problem? UCSB housing residents and UCSB employees parking in IV to avoid paying for on campus parking. The forest of shitty buildings on Storke was built all over FT’s parking. Thanks UCSB.
Gosh I hope a parking program is arranged. Lots of junk cars stored on the streets of IV, and lots of out-of-town transients spend a few weeks in IV, and dump effluent out of their RVs right into the IV streets.
Only two signs inform visitors they are not allowed to park RV’s in IV overnight and neither are actually in IV. Thanks County and thanks for not enforcing the law. You build housing for the homeless here in IV–the County dumping ground–and still RV’s overnight. Jonathan Abboud says IVCSD is not implementing a parking permit program (below) and yet the Measure R web page highlights parking in the first paragraph.
IVCSD is not planning on implementing a parking permit program. That is an old proposal that’s never even been brought up while the CSD has existed.
so parking is an issue the CSD will not be addressing? Seriously?
It will address it but it hasn’t determined how to yet, because it doesn’t have any money to do so.
So you want voters to give you money so you can then screw them with a parking permit program? Why don’t you focus on making UCSB build parking for it’s dorms? Consult with their permanent appointed, un-elected CSD rep. on that one–I’m sure he’ll be very helpful. We have no parking because thousands of beds are now closer to IV than to their allotted pay parking structures. Gee–should I hike home from my pay structure or park for free in IV? Do we need a CSD to implement what every other beach town in California has? Absolutely not.
You don’t have to talk about it. It’s in the law forming IVCSD. It provides that the district can form a parking district. And you pay a fee to park in IV. But it’s only a hunting license. So IVCSD makes more money and you still can’t find a place to park.
Oh BS. There is more open space in the Coal Oil Point reserve and in front of Campus than anyone in Montecito has… and UCSB is totally restoring the Ocean Meadows golf course to a natural state at great expense. The students pay a vast amount of taxes and long term IV residents have been such feckless whiners that all those taxes are lifted by the County and the City of Goleta. Indeed most of the salaries paid by UCSB to its employees subsidize the County and Cities too, because the long term IV residents are such incompetent losers UCSB… Read more »
They are “restoring” the slough as part of a deal that lets them build housing–essentially in the wetland. Those grotesque kit-condos are just the beginning. Take a walk through some time. Now they’ve built a bridge across it. There is at least one faculty housing project built amidst several faux vernal pools–one of them is chlorinated. There will be more. A wise university would encourage faculty to live among student population for obvious reasons. That ship sailed long ago. One wonders if UCSB faculty housing will suffice to attract outstanding scholars. Inability to own fee simple is a serious detraction.… Read more »
Of course all the vernal pools in IV proper were bulldozed circa 1950 and now long-term IV residents live on them. If you hated the faculty housing design you should have showed up at the meetings and commented. A wise University avoids the little Yugoslavia/Ireland that the long-term IV residents and landlords, people without ability to see the long term picture and work together, have created in IV. The amazing thing is UCSB became a world class University despite all the backbiting of the long term IV residents… proof that the IV long term residents are losers. Obviously the Mosquito… Read more »
Oh, “the Mosquito and Vector Management District” of Santa Barbara County. You forgot the last part. Yes, they will be spraying Malathion in the “restored” wetland. Great. Take a good hard look at an aerial of Goleta and Dev sloughs pre-WW II some time. There are a few people left alive from a time when you could boat in one slough and out the other. Look up why “Goleta” is called “Goleta.” UCSB’s married student housing is built IN the wetland and is moldy as hell–so is Santa Ynez. Soon they will want to tear down and re-build Married Student… Read more »
UCSB is a friggin’ gusher of money and employment for SB County. Every County in California begs and pleads for a UC Campus, because of the economic cornucopia they produce. The money flow is exclusively out of UCSB, its students, and its parents, into the pockets of welfare-queen takers and whiners like you, people who couldn’t solve for x in algebra if they were offered $1 billion. There is no married student housing… only family student housing, which shows you live in the North County. The lagoon hasn’t stunk in years… only the San facility over at the Airport stinks.… Read more »
There is old married student housing and new married student housing. “New” married student housing is in the wetland. Old–and still OLD is right across Storke from the butt fugly towers. I lived in it. The lagoon is polluted–UCSB’s own science confirms that. Clearly you did not attend good old UCSB. Why not head down to graduation this year–if only see if the lagoon is stinking. So UCSB does not cost any money but just pumps out dollars? Not sure what you are smoking shill but hopefully students and residents here in IV will see Measure R for what it… Read more »
Your information is 30 or 40 years old. But obviously the LSD you took then hasn’t worn off yet.
yeah–right. Is that the best you can do “actual IV Resident”? One thing is for sure I was living here before you were born. Measure R is a UCSB scam with a bunch of AS student shills trying to screw voters with an off-campus lock in fee. You twits are easy to dribble which is why handing you $800K a year (tax plus UCSB’s “donation”) is disturbing to say the least.
I moved here in 1963, but my Den ancestors owned land in IV since the 1800’s. 82.75%. Good
700 out of 10,400. what a quorum.
“I am not an employee of the CSD but my LLC provides services”–that is a ridiculous statement. You are asking voters to pay for your job without identifying yourself as benefiting. That is dishonest. Measure R is backed by politicians and the likes of you who want to screw generations of residents and students with a “lock in fee” that creates a ever greedy political entity that will provide jobs for the likes of you.
It is a fact, I’m not an employee. The CSD has no actual employees. My LLC gets paid $1,000 every four months to do the job, through me, because we had to do it that way – because we don’t have money to hire an actual full time employee to run all the services the CSD provides. I work 40hrs+ a week for basically no money to help keep the CSD going and provide benefits to people like the landlord/tenant mediation service. If you’re mad about that, then I’m not sure what you would have done otherwise. Someone, doesn’t need… Read more »
Here is what you said in short format. CSD pays your LLC who pays you. The fact they hired your LLC (formed after window for service closed) in the first place is suspicious. Person campaigning for CSD gets hired by CSD. Really dumb.
“Just 3-4 dollars a month” just gimme a latte every month. Make that three lattes every month for a town I don’t really even live in. Nah just a burrito every month–maybe two. AS government needs to stay on campus. UCSB needs to keep its greedy mitts out of IV. They bought IV Theater, they lease The Graduate, they bought Tropicana,they just bought Pizza Bobs. This “CSD” is off-campus AS government that will help feed the tumor that is UCSB.
What are the benefits of having self-governance in IV which couldn’t be achieved by a seat on the city counci, and what argument can be made to show that any benefits would outweigh the drawbacks?
There is no city council here, we are not part of any city. We’re unincorporated and governed by the SB County Board of Supervisors, which covers the entire county and isn’t designed to govern urban areas like IV.
Yes…we’re in the third district. what sort of governance do you think we need in IV? After all, the majority of residents are here for a handful of years; do you think a government can actually respond effectively to the needs of a constantly fluctuating demographic? What efforts have been made to work with Joan Hartmann to address any of the policy goals of measure ?R
There is a sidewalk going in on Trigo this summer–just confirmed with SB County–the agency we pay taxes to in this incredibly urban town. This is happening without a CSD. How does paying even more taxes help this process?
The existing sidewalks (and the new one on Trigo) are a joke, not well-planned at all for the real pedestrian traffic in IV. They are a thin beard for the fact that the County has neglected street safety issues for decades in IV… and the consequences: Nicholas Bourdakis, Christopher Divis, Elie Israel, Ruth Levy, Albert Arthur Levy, Keith Cheung, Patrick Eggert, Jin Fu, Victor Garcia, Elliot Gee, Mitchell Lyubarsky, Nick Pasichuke…. all victims of Santa Barbara County’s failure to do the right thing and plan for safe pedestrian traffic in Isla Vista. A great task for the CSD is to… Read more »
A sidewalk is a sidewalk–not exactly a planning challenge–and certainly not something you need a CSD to implement. Interestingly there WAS a sidewalk on the right hand side of Sabado the night Attias barreled through the stop sign at 50plus mph. Putting in sidewalks does not mean IV residents will walk on them. Good luck tirelessly advocating your way around that one. Attias, by the way, is out of jail and his rich daddy produces Homeland.
A partial, incontiguous, sidewalk, and nowhere near adequate for the pedestrian traffic. There should have been bollards and berms to keep him from getting up to 50plus. But the traffic engineering in Santa Barbara County makes Rwanda look like Switzerland.
Bollards in the middle of Sabado Tarde–one of IV’s widest and most significant thoroughfares? You can have all the sidewalks in the world–there WAS one on ST that night–but lunatics like Attias are not something a traffic engineer can be expected to plan for. So this CSD is planning on putting bollards on Sabado? That will be really popular. Measure R is UCSB scam designed to make IV residents pay twice for the same services.
Serious pedestrian areas all over the world, analogous to DP and ST, have systems of retractable bollards to regulate car traffic when the pedestrian traffic is high. It is Engineering 1… adapt to the uses. With luck the CSD will get IV pedestrian traffic management up to the 1950’s.
Tell that to SBCC/UCSB students who drive to work every day in order to pay UC’s exorbitant tuition. Been there done that on all pedestrian drivel–we actually had temporary traffic calming measures installed on ST at one point in the 80s. This is exactly why paying for a CSD is so egregious–paying for AS dolts to piddle with traffic, policing, mediation, on and on. Ground already covered. This time the “elected” CSD member will graduate in the middle of a “project” and an appointed person will take their place . . . great. Why don’t you enroll at CalPoly if… Read more »
10+ students were killed by Attias and maimed by Rodger (yes, his killing was with a gun and knives, but he drove around ramming people on the streets after) due to the atrocious and incompetent street planning in IV. Compared to the long-term residents of IV, the student are geniuses… while UCSB has become are renowned, world-class university since the 1950’s, IV remains a pathetic blight more similar to Somalia, with absurd and ridiculous long term whiners like you who can’t get their pants on straight in the morning.
tying the actions of lunatics to traffic management is beyond stupid. with 87% of 700 votes you dipsticks can now sit down with the county engineers and play with the $600K. Should be fun to watch. Fire engines running into bollards as they race through the pedestrian streets of IV. Good grief. Perhaps you’ll snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Then you can move on to fixing Somalia.
As much as you’ve done your best to turning IV into Somalia, thank goodness some people are more educated, knowledgeable, and capable than you. There are many more accidents and close calls because of cars driving through traffic than just Rodger and Attias… everyone who actually steps foot in IV knows that. As if the 1000’s of enlightened city planners in the world who have installed retractable bollards don’t know about fire safety issues… and *duh*, when there are 100’s of people on the street firetrucks can’t barrel through them anyway; that is when the bollards would be up. At… Read more »
Then why does the sign say “Isla Vista is a city”.
A deeper issue has always been that in many ways the communities outside of IV grab taxes paid by IV residents. Measure A, state road funds and other per-capita distributions from the state and fed, and IV property taxes that subsidize Goleta schools, while IV has very few remaining K12 students, are all lifted out of IV. Even Abboud doesn’t follow that money. The economic studies of IV selectively omit those revenues. It is not just IV landlords, but it is also the South Coast enviro/Democratic coalition which fights to keep IV powerless. The enviro/Dem coalition is not opposed to… Read more »
Notice Hartmann is giving money to CSD. For her this offers an opportunity to punt on county obligations in IV while hopefully tapping into enough student votes to keep her Third District seat. Just what IV needs a layer of transitory, easily manipulated idiots who don’t really live here consuming dollars doing nothing. Everything on that list is already happening. Lighting?–we have LED everywhere already. WTF. Abboud is the latest in long series of pawns. The winner in this latest gambit–UCSB.
Nope, UCSB doesn’t “win” ever… no UC was designed to run a local government. All UCSB ever does is move $ from students to the County… a different form of tax. The long term residents of IV consistently want that… they don’t have to pay $, but the students due… that explains all the false claims that UCSB is “winning”… a constant battle for UCSB to keep robbing the students to pay for services that the County is not providing from the students tax revenues. If UCSB pays, other non-student residents don’t have to pay.
So you are saying UCSB pays property taxes? For the thousands of beds in their on and off campus dorms? I’ve lived in IV for 35 years and pay property taxes that go to the County of Santa Barbara. UCSB does not pay property taxes. UCSB does not pay any taxes. They are a 501C non-profit. Not paying taxes and collecting rent means you can come up with the $146 million in cash necessary to but Tropicana. Students who rent in IV pay taxes to the county as do “Actual IV Residents.” Measure R will require students and residents to… Read more »
Good grief UCSB pays millions as the result of every negotiation with SB County it has to do anything… build a dorm, etc. You are woefully ignorant of all that, and when you pay your Prop 13 limited prop tax of $50/year you shriek like a stuck piglet.
UCSB is tax exempt. There is one building for sale in IV right now on Abrego. Asking $1.9 million. That is $19K a year to SB County forever plus additional tax to IVRPD. If UCSB buys it? Nada. UCSB exists because of tax dollars and tax breaks. They are a public university that belongs to us. UC was supposed to be tuition free to California residents. That is decidedly not the case. The UC is a bloated, money hoarding mess that needs serious reorganization–starting with new leadership at the top. How does a UC president not know about a $175… Read more »
Horseapples. UC is one of the few public institutions that again and again succeeds, and people like you who hate knowledge and hate for our young people to be able to learn, innovate, and be economically self-sufficient hate that. You just want them all to be your slaves and clean your house and pay your taxes.
Young people from where? California? As for the infallible UC succeeding and succeeding–see their loss of top professors to private institutions ie exodus from UCSD to USC. UC is arguably the greatest university in the world–certainly the largest–but that does not mean they are infallible. You’ve been reading too much of your own publicity UC shill. Sadly there are quite a few UC grads finding their degrees do not gaurentee “happily ever after” and certainly not a high paying job. Do you have something against house cleaning?
USC, the University of Spoiled Children where the Gynecology professors feel up your daughter. What a pathetic mess USC is, land of getting students to pay $80,000 a year on tuition, for an education worse than SBCC provides. But you laud that, you are a shill for USC publicity. You just want illegal immigrants to clean your house because you want to pay them $1/hour, and then you want to whine about how schoolteachers actually want to teach there children so the children are less likely to end up in gangs. You hate education and industrious people.
Boy you sure look down on house cleaning! Professors go where universities offer them labs and money–a shill above pointed that out above re Nakamura–UCSB’s Cree professor. As the UC declines the privates harvest their/our academic largess. Profs don’t just leave–they take their grant money with them. UCSB’s faculty is aging and they will now need to convince a new generation to move into UC owned housing. Good luck with that. No fee simple ownership. The Pimple on the Pacific has always struggled but this will be a major challenge. As for the $70K USC charges–students are lined up to… Read more »
You know nothing about UC and what attracts professors. You have no idea why UCSB has become great. The $80K that USC charges is paid by plentiful low-IQ rich SoCal students… everyone knows a USC degree has no academic content, but you shill for USC anyway. Probably you love the fact that USC Gynecologists abuse the female students… their president resigned over that scandal. Or is it you like meth-smoking medical school Deans like that one at USC? UCSB will do just fine… except for the damage done by the people like you who hate learning, hard work, and just… Read more »
I am talking about UCSB–believe me they’ve had their share of bottom pinchers. Check their Title IX record–abusive to say the least. This campus packed with lily-white Ken and Barbies–the majority from SoCal–who don’t give a shit about the issues wafting from your crack pipe. UCSB will “do just fine”? Someday you may understand the importance of owning a home–with tract homes going for $1 million UCSB is already having trouble attracting the best and brightest. Building housing towers instead of lecture halls while increasing enrollment is already creating log jams. Buying the local theater, and turning the local night… Read more »
But you shill for the virtues of USC, where the Gynecology Profs get 100’s of people’s daughters in stirrups and do whatever they want to them. Nothing at UCSB comes close to that, or to USC’s crack-smoking medical school dean who hung out while his prostitute girlfriends OD’s. USC’s symbol should be a rat with Donald Segretti’s face examining a rich Socal co-ed on the stirrup table…. Segretti introduced “rat-f****g’ into US politics. UCSB is doing just fine, the basket case is IV, filled with long-term losers like you who couldn’t find the bathroom if a team of guides led… Read more »
Well said. That is why Joan Hartmann is donating to the CSD. Measure R is a win-win for her.
Do you have any source to offer on the claim that rent has risen by $100/year? How long are you claiming this trend has been happening, because 10 years ago, rent was not $1000/month less, so it’s clearly not a linear trend, and the trend cannot possibly have existed indefinitely.
I oppose the tax because the CSD is trying to provide City services using a utility tax, which violates the state Constitution. I was the chief petitioner in the last push for Cityhood of Isla Vista and UCSB together in a City together. UCSB claims in its Alumni fundraisers that it brings over a half a billion dollars of revenue into Santa Barbara County every year but that IV Cityhood isn’t financially viable. The CSD has the power to put forward a new Cityhood proposal that includes the tax revenues UCSB is giving to the County instead of IV. Hold… Read more »
UCSB gives money to the County due to various agreements tied to specific projects.. like mitigation for streets near the new dorms on Storke. That half a billion dollars… well, much of it is payroll to UCSB employees, who then spend it and pay taxes with it. A lot more is all the revenue that students and their families bring. Cityhood of course has always been financially viable… but calming the waters of all the disparate factions is as hard as getting peace in Northern Ireland. Goleta West San has been pretty calm lately, since the fight by the City… Read more »
Their firefighting “mitigation” is not even one full salaried employee. See the UC audit. Anyone who thinks city-hood is worthwhile in IV should look at the number of “appointed” members of the IVRPD. You essentially have an appointed governing body. Picture a city where the council members graduate mid term and leave . . . right in the middle of spending your hard earned tax dollars. Look at the “too little” greedy city of Goleta and the unrestrained build out destroying our community. LAFCO was right about IV City hood and was right about the CSD. Two special districts in… Read more »
What ignorant twaddle. UCSB paid for the entire new foot patrol substation at the cost of millions. UCSB pays for about 1/2 of the salaries of the foot patrol. UCSB now pays millions for events on campus on Halloween and the guessed day of Deltopia/Floatopia. Goleta has way more special districts than IV. Two sanitary districts. CSA3. Cemetery district. On and on. Goleta West has always been well run. IVRPD has turned out K IV would be a fine city… better than 100 or 200 of California’s existing cities, some that only have 30 residents.
UCSB’s business is the reason we need our own substation and no, they don’t pay half the foot patrol salaries. Yes, those stupid parties cost millions and UCSB’s idiotic leadership contributes to the problem. Yang shows up for a Halloween meet in greet and then the town gets ripped to pieces. One of those Sanitary districts G West is on UCSB’s campus–not in Goleta–and consists of shit pumping station and the pipes leading too and from–including the one they just abandoned in the wetland. IVRPD just spent 11K on a one item mail in ballot that let 500 people make… Read more »
Oh, and Goleta is a city–a hungry one that is turning the “Goodland” bad at light speed.
Sorry, IV is 100% the County’s doing, as Peter Adam pointed out, every building and road was voted “Yes” on by the Board of Supervisors. If the Board can’t provide services, they should never have voted yes. Every service need in IV was freely undertaken by the Supervisors by their votes, and they knew most of the residents would be 20 year olds, and they knew that since European universities started in 1000AD that 20 year olds were rowdy. Not nearly as rowdy as military bases. But then people like you who hate merit and responsibility want to shirk law… Read more »
IV is part of Santa Barbara County. UCSB’s clientele are a major draw on county law enforcement resources that our taxes pay for. Now this CSD is asking for even more money to “make IV safer” and “put in more lighting” and “add more sidewalks” . . . these items are all the County’s responsibility–ALREADY. Measure R taxes us twice for the same damn services. Anyone who regularly attends IVRPD meetings needs to get a life.
Anyone who writes like you needs to get a 3rd-grade education.
No on Measure R. Dribbling these UCSB AS twits is just too easy. Hand ’em $800K a year and we’ll end up with an expensive nightmare as no nothings explore infrastructural protocol. Transfer to Cal Poly. You are UCSB tools.
In the event this CSD tax passes they need to be sued. UCSB has a permanent member of CSD. Nice deep pocket to plumb.
Hello Haters of Isla Vista – Measure R PASSED!
Well done. Do something great with the CSD.
Lots of us are still waiting for an actual workable policy proposal; you’ve made numberous promises…when do you plan on letting us know your strategy for actually achieving them…platitudes, empty rhetoric and this team sports nonsense (it is possible to have a reasonable opposition to something; being a “hater” and disagreeing are nowhere near the same thing).
So when will these be publicized?
Shows you the stupidity of the average IV resident.
Says the poster with the IQ of 80 as he drools on his keyboard.
Can you guys please post the actual measure R document?
It would be useful to have the link to the actual PDF and I
Have had trouble finding it.