McLane Brown / Daily Nexus
The weather forecasts are out, and let’s just say that the future isn’t looking too bright — literally. The weather app on your phone will reveal the disappointing fate you’ve feared since the El Niño craze of 2015. This Saturday, on the most legendary day of the year, it might rain, but come drizzle or drought, you need to be ready. Make like Game of Thrones because spring may be here, but winter is coming.
1. Eat Three Cartons of Halo Top
You dieted all spring break for this? How dare it rain on the one day you picked your outfit for three months ago. But let’s not go too crazy here. Keep it ~low-cal~ because even with a raincoat on, dayger season is still around the corner.
2. Break Out the Mimosas
Who said this carefully crafted beverage should go to waste just because the sun won’t come out? Mimosas are good any day, rain or shine.
3. Buy Out the Local Supply of Rain Ponchos
Only give them to your friends to ensure that your Deltopia is better than everyone else’s, all things considered.
4. Raid Freebirds
Today of all days is when we spare all expense and opt for the guac, even though it does, in fact, cost extra.
5. Wish People a Happy Birthday on Facebook
Is this still a thing?
6. Binge Watch “Harry Potter”
Let’s be honest, this has been on the bucket list for quite some time now. But, like the bucket item, you won’t do this. Not today or any day. No one should take 19 hours and 38 minutes of the wizarding world in a row.
7. Check Your Stock
If your grandparents didn’t invest in stock in your name when you graduated high school, then I don’t believe you, and you should call them to double check. Does anyone know what they invested in? No. Do you know how it’s doing? Definitely not. For all of our purposes, it’s just another iPhone app taking up storage.
8. While You’re at It, Check Out the Other Apps You Never Use
Did you know that your iPhone has a compass on it? Or that you can use your phone to check your heart rate? And, most importantly, when was the last time you looked at iTunes?
9. Call Your Mom
She misses you.
10. Go out Anyway
Come on, party people! Where’s that Isla Vista charisma? Deltopia is happening whether you’re there or not. So stop complaining about the rain and make your own good time!
Gia Cephal is a fourth-year sociology major who wants you to call your mom instead of going to Deltopia.