Jenny Luo / Daily Nexus
Chaos ensued last week when a local office for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration booked Carillo’s Mountainview Room for a staff meeting. This caused a scarcity in seating, which angered students. The student group Activists, Students and Supporters of Ending Suffering were quick to arrive with protest signs.
“We just think that it’s totally unfair for these outside organizations to come in here and take our place at the lunch table,” said Erica Montano, president of the activist group. “All we want is our human right to eat in peace.”
Her group has since organized a walkout for this Friday to address the issue and present a list of demands. Other students were less affected.
“I mean, it’s a little inconvenient, but they’re paying the university for the space and there are plenty of other chairs,” third-year English major Alexis Peterson said.
“I wasn’t aware this was such a hot topic,” FDA administrator Emmanuel Cohen said. “Next time I will be much more careful about where I book our meeting.”
Emily Anne Williams is a second-year linguistics major who knows all about the Mountainview Mayhem.