Last week’s South Park episode brilliantly parodies the Occupy Wall Street movement. If you didn’t tune in, this one is for you: Barack Obama has belligerently demonized the rich. His unremitting proclamations have spawned a nagging, irresponsible and uninformed populace collectively referred to as Occupy Wall Street.
If you are experiencing what economists refer to as a “liquidity crisis,” then I ask you to lend a kind ear. First and foremost, stop marching around like a nomadic schmuck. In other words, pry your fingers away from the irrelevant and nonsensical sign that lies in your hand. I ask you to do so because those very fingers can be put to better use.
With your newfound dexterity, take your liberal middle finger and point it not at banks or bankers, not at large “fat-cat” corporations and not at “rich people” in their generalized entirety. Point it at yourself. Point it at yourself for choosing to Occupy rather than applying for an occu….pation. Point it at yourself for marching to the beat of a drum that very much differs from the confused, twelfth-rate musician who marches adjacent to you. Point it at yourself for having the ignorance to blame not credit rating agencies, not institutional investors, but only investment banks. Point it at yourself or your family for accepting loans to finance a house that exceeds your socioeconomic means. If for no other reason, point it at yourself for having nothing better to do than Occupy not New York City, not London, but Isla-fuckin’-Vista. Congratulations, you are a poor man’s Occupier wallowing in the depths of mediocrity.
People, welcome to America, where you either kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. Apply for jobs; don’t waltz around bitching and moaning about those who already have them, and those who have worked rather hard to acquire them. If you’re seeking justice for investment bankers’ behavior, then for all I care, apply for a job within the SEC. That way, you can punish every culpable “fat-cat” that you damn well please. Better yet, ask the rag-twirling fellow outside of Freebirds for a paid internship. Regardless of where you work, just find work! Work long enough to work up an appetite; an insatiable appetite. Then, you too can engage in some metaphorical consumption (and literal consumption, perhaps at Freebirds).
What financiers have done, excluding the likes of Bernie Madoff and Raj Rajaratnam, was immoral, but not illegal. So, if you’re protesting morality, then you should also consider demonizing lawyers who represent mass-murderers. If you’re protesting police brutality, then become an officer of the law and show us how it’s done. If you’re protesting the law itself, then you would be on “point” to blame Barack Obama. He is the one who passed a disastrous $814 billion stimulus package. Even though for good cause, it is he who autographed two pieces of Health Care legislation with a price tag exceeding $1 trillion. Consequently, he is the one who cannot afford to adequately tweak America’s financial laws. Dodd-Frank is more confusing and hopeless than OWS. Lastly, if you are protesting simply to protest, then you are, as I said before, a schmuck. If you’ll excuse me, I, unlike you, will be applying for jobs. I am hungry. There, how is that for transparency?
Alex Gushner is a fourth-year economics major.
Note: Views expressed on the Opinion page do not necessarily reflect those of the Daily Nexus.
Couldn’t agree with you more. These protestors in IV as well as the ones in NYC are wasting their time. The only way to redistribute wealth in this country is to kill the people that have have it and take it, which none of these protestors have the balls to do.
Hey man, chill out! You don’t need to kill any one to make the revolution a success. The thing is to get more and more independent from the consumerist economy, build community apart from the banks, apart from the grid, apart from the bullshit. Grow your own food, use found and recycled items, live in a co-op, ride a bike or a bus instead of driving. It’s obviously not easy to do because we weren’t raised knowing how to depend on each other and the earth in a sustainable way, but I think the OWS movement is a great start.… Read more »
You’re a moron or you must be high or both. I have nothing further to say about whatever the hell point you tried to make.
Fyi, Credit rating agencies don’t package bonds.
I’m neither. If you don’t understand where I’m coming from then there’s no amount of information I got get and regurgitate for you that could help you understand. I wiki-ed what ever those god damn rating agencies labeling/ package/ what have you and apparently it’s CDOs and MBAs, there’s no links to that so it must be some super specific bullshit if wiki doesn’t have it. I dont need to know the name to know that it’s fucked up. If you think everything (or anything) that has been going on with the influence of money on politics/ banks gambling money… Read more »
People, welcome to America, where you either kill or be killed, eat or be eaten.
Exactly right, Alex. Exactly right.
OWS couldn’t have said it better..
As he’s a fourth-year mommy’s boy who’s never held a real occupation, this guy’s a real piece of work. He’s playing his economist role really well by playing apologist for all the fraudsters who never served a day in prison. And really, WTF does Obama have to do with the Occupy movement besides riding its coattails?! It was Kevin Zeese of Adbusters who started it… RALPH NADER’s campaign manager. This Alex fool hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about and he’s joining a whole profession made up of Alan Greenspan charlatans with faith-based ignorance. It was right-wing economists who argued… Read more »
Colin, if you’d like to know a bit more about my background, I ask you to please e-mail me. As of now, you know not the first thing about me or my mother. I’d be happy to have a chat :)
Dont occupy your time with Colin. He’s the type of person who makes judgments before he understands the situation…
Colin, I hope for your sake you realize how profoundly stupid your response to Alex’s post makes you. With this in mind I hope that you do in fact go on to occupy Wall Street… its the only place a person with your level of intelligence will be able to find a home that isn’t on some bench in a place like skid row (if you are even less informed than my previous comments reflects, skid row is a street in downtown Los Angeles that is occupied by people with a similar level of intelligence to that of your own).… Read more »
Like I always tell my Conservative wacko friends: “THIS AIN’T NO TEA PARTY… this is a full scale Class War!” …and the silver spoon, trust fund baby, Aristocrats are beating American PEOPLE down WITH HELP from the Republican Party. IT’S TIME TO END THEM before they completely ruin our children’s future.
A few fanatic, degenerate terrorists who perverted Islam don’t scare near as much as all those right-wing FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY!
“A few fanatic, degenerate terrorists who perverted Islam don’t scare near as much as all those right-wing FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY!”
Whch is to say, capitalism cannot survive. Period.
The OWS movement will lead inexorably to a call for a socialist reorganizion of human society, or it will fail. There is no other option.
some_student: you don’t think that’s a bit paranoid?
have a look at the police’s treatment of student protesters, then tell me who are the violent ones:
America used to work. The people had work. The system worked. Hey, EVEN the Congress used to work…(sometimes). God knows, it was far, far, far from perfect – but at least we all had some share in the struggles AND the rewards. But somewhere along the way, we lost our way. And now we seem to have an economy and a political system that works only for the rich. What they call “trickle down economics”… just leaves most of us out in the cold cold rain. We need to get back to what America was, and what it should be,… Read more »
Sorry buddy, the OWS movement hasn’t done anything productive nor will it ever. All these protesters are wasting their time (at least they feel good about it for some wild reason) and investment banks are still beating earning estimates and cranking out deals. And, no one has figured out what exactly all these OWS protesters are protesting for and what they want out of it. Sounds like a big pity party to me and a way for the leaches of the economy to feel like they are contributing to something. We have bigger problems to deal with (I.e. Europe going… Read more »
I think Alex understands this situation better than those who believe socialism will work. When in history has socialism “worked”?
Thank you for this piece. Maybe some people need to reread it.
Socialism works in Scandinavia. We don’t need socialism we need a better and more efficient government and protections for the poor. We need more money spent on education and less on defense and corporate welfare. We need responsible taxation that helps develop our infrastructure which is clearly crumbling. We are trying to abandon poor people in a effort to attract investors in our smoke and mirrors economy.
“We” need these things, but are “they” going to let it happen?
Short of working people taking political & economic power into their own hands, aka socialism, is there any genuine prospect of enacting the reforms you mention?
Seems like the world is headed rapidly in the opposite direction.
Yes Alex you worked so hard to be born into a rich family and go to a private school. Seriously you act as if everyone was able to feed from the silver spoon like you. This country is fucked the rich keep getting richer as the poor continue to get poorer. that is not what this country is about . Throughout our countries history there has been a steady incline in wages among all classes but in the last ~30 years the only class to have a substantial income increase has been the most wealthy. If you are interested in… Read more »
Awww the poor rich are tired of being demonized. The rich have been demonizing the poor and middle class for the past 30 years. The rich have received unprecedented tax relief in the name of “job creation”. The rich have done exceedingly well for the past 30 yrs and they continue to complain about footing the bill. So why did we bail out the banks as well as give tax cuts to the rich? Where are the jobs that were supposed to be created by the “job creators” aka the rich? And now we are supposed to believe that the… Read more »
You guys realize this is an “opinion” and the STUDENT who wrote this, DOES NOT know what the hell he is talking about. He is an undergrad in economics in a mediocre economics program that does not even have a developed Finance class curriculum. The fact you use South Park to aid your argument is proof of that alone. Please leave your sophomoric ideas to yourself, go get a job,see how hard it is to have a family, pay bill, afford care, maybe pursue graduate studies, learn some math, and maybe then…. maybe then…your opinion will be of some minor… Read more »
Hi Don,
Thanks for your post. I’m glad that my article can get the goat of a grown man. Guess who won this battle?
Although I did get a kick out of it, it was not I who submitted the previous comment. If you’d like to know more about my background, please feel free to e-mail me ( You’re entitled to your own opinion.
I guess the lesson here is to EARN enough money to pay for all that?
Thanks Don! Those are real lessons to take-to-the-bank ;)
All I see are rhetorical questions and personal insults against Alex. No real substance.
She needs a lesson in argumentation and history.
After listening to a few of the people who want to OIV, I understand their frustration. I believe capitalism is the best system of economics in the world to date. If anyone can PROVE another system is better that has survived more economic woes, please reply to this. I would love to read it. Capitalism rewards those who are willing to work tirelessly throughout their lives, to better themselves, while NOT REWARDING those who do not. This eat or be eaten thought, though I agree to an extent, is not appropriate when describing a capitalist economy. “Work or be worked”… Read more »
Hey Alex (and commenters), I would first like to commend you for having the balls to defend an opinion that (clearly) is not the most popular on our campus. Whether anyone agrees with you or not, good for you for not only stating your opinion eloquently, but also inviting anyone who disagrees to have an open and respectful dialogue/debate with you at any time. However, after reading your piece and all the comments, I think that it is safe to say that SOMETHING is broken in our system. Many people clearly have lost their ability to engage in a respectful… Read more »
+1 to you sir.