Normally when you’re in the library during finals week and John Lennon appears in the bathroom mirror, you can write it off as a study-induced hallucination. This quarter however, inspirational cut-outs and quotes are decorating UCSB’s Davidson Library for a student art project.

Second-year psychology major Gabrielle Dimaranan created the “Motivational Reflection,” exhibit featuring likenesses of Einstein, the Beatles, Marilyn Monroe and selected quotations for her final project in Art 111: Digital Intermedia, this quarter. The class required students to create a temporary work of public art on campus.


While Marilyn Monroe and Rosie the Riveter-inspired pieces can be found in the first and fourth floor women’s restrooms, respectively, Einstein and Beatles cutouts are on display in the first and fourth floor men’s restrooms, respectively. Although the project is scheduled to adorn the library’s bathroom doors and mirrors only during dead week and finals week, artist Gabrielle Dimaranan, a second-year psychology major, hopes to negotiate a later removal date.

Assistant University Librarian Brian Mathews said Dimaranan’s contributions are intended to motivate students in the midst of studies and lighten the pall cast  over by finals.

“In the library you are [surrounded] by three million books — works from great thinkers like Einstein, Hawking, and Camus — this project makes this fact a bit more transparent and sort of forces you to encounter the idea in a very visual manner,” Mathews said. “Besides that, it’s just kind of fun. I think her core [objective] was to provide positive vibes and motivation to her fellow students.”

French and English librarian and outreach coordinator Jane Faulkner said the library staff enjoyed the project’s intentions and therefore allowed it to move into Davidson’s bathrooms.

“So many students come to us requesting to post material in the library and usually we have to deny those requests,” Faulkner said. “However, we thought that Dimaranan’s artwork seemed so perfect in light of finals and think that she did a great job creating a classy and hilarious project.
