Egg yolks, carbohydrates and fats. How many of you do your best to avoid these on a daily basis? Well, let me tell you why you should do just the opposite. Consider these food myths debunked.
Egg yolks are actually good for you. The yolk holds over 90 percent of the carotenes, calcium and iron, as well as all the vitamins A, E, D and K. If you’re afraid of all that fat in the yolks, which holds all that deadly cholesterol, don’t be… it’s good for you.
Fats are actually good for you. They help maintain our cell membranes and they help retain nutrients from other foods. So stop grimacing as you eat that raw lettuce because you are doing yourself a disservice. Certain fats help your body keep the nutrients from other foods.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been touted as the best kinds of fat, and for the most part, they are. Sources of these kinds of fat include all kinds of seafood, nuts and eggs. Wild salmon is the best choice since it has a good amount of healthy fat and is low in mercury. In terms of nuts, walnuts and almonds pack the best combination of nutrients. Keep in mind roasted nuts are not as good for you as raw nuts because they are cooked at extremely high temperatures and often have lots of oil and salt added to them. As for eggs, try to limit them to about six to10 a week, but be sure to have the yolk.
Other sources of mono- and polyunsaturated fats are cooking oils, such as olive oil and canola oil. However, it is important to know cooking oils are best used in their raw state. When heated, they become rancid and lose many of their antioxidants.
Contrary to mainstream beliefs, saturated fats are the best for cooking. They are heat stable and do not break down at high temperatures. This doesn’t mean you should let loose with the butter. I personally believe that coconut oil is the healthiest oil to cook with. The science behind this is hotly debated, but many indigenous cultures have used coconut oil as their staple oil for centuries and have no incidences of heart disease, high cholesterol or any of the maladies associated with saturated fats. Most other saturated fats come from animals, which are rife with other health issues. So use olive oil with your salads, sandwiches and other cold dishes, and give coconut oil a try for cooking.
Brown sugar is just as bad as white sugar. The only difference is brown sugar has molasses spun back into it for color and flavor. Don’t think it’s healthy. It’s one of the most health compromising things you can consume.
Frozen vegetables and fruits are as nutritious as fresh vegetables and fruits. Surprise, surprise. The key, however, is to make sure the frozen variety doesn’t have anything added to it. Most frozen fruits and veggies are picked and then immediately flash frozen, retaining almost a maximum amount of nutrients. Fresh fruits and veggies need to be packed, shipped and then placed on store shelves, where they might sit for days, losing vital nutrients. This doesn’t mean you should avoid buying fresh and local produce, which will always taste infinitely better than frozen produce. Plus if it’s really fresh, the nutrient difference will be minimal. And you can support your local farmers at the same time.
Carbohydrates aren’t all bad for you. The key is to make sure you are eating the right carbs. Eating good carbs, like brown rice or oatmeal, helps promote slow and gradual digestion. That makes life easier on your body, which in turn gives you a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Compare that to a sugary muffin with a cup of coffee in the morning and you’ll be wired for a couple hours before hitting a huge lull. That’s the difference between high-glycemic carbs – pasta, white bread, etc. – and low-glycemic carbs – whole-grain bread, sweet potatoes, etc.
Following these myths can compromise your health. Take advantage of your new knowledge to boost your energy, immune system and overall sense of well being.